Upcoming Events – Action needed

A list of things we need parents and carers to do to ensure their student can attend events, camps or excursions 

Gumbuya World Excursion - Foundation

Thursday 16th November


Consent was due  today (Friday 10th November) , if you have not handed in your concent forms please do so this coming week.


Students will be taken on a tour of the Wildlife Trail with an expert Wildlife Ranger, exploring over 50 different species of animals that they have there at Gumbuya World. The wildlife ranger will cover life cycles, habitats, classifications, conservation, respect for animals and food chains during the program.  


Once the express program has ended, students will then have the opportunity to have some lunch and attend our Aussie outback experience with hands-on cow milking and whip cracking.There will be no rides/water sports on our visit to Gumbuya World.


Festival on the lawn

The countdown is on for this year’s Festival on the lawn. 

3 weeks to go! - Friday 1st December. 


It is going to be a great day of showcasing Arts in the school. 


The feature will be all classes playing a song they've chosen and have been preparing in music class on the big stage. 

Drama and dance classes will also be performing, as will the Kinder. 

An art show will be happening in the gym showcasing student art. 

Vendors will be selling food and drink. 

The parents club will be selling showbags. 

There will also be face painting. 

There may even be a staff song in the lineup.


Below is a flier and a list of all class songs and a suggested dress code. (Not compulsory).

Looking forward to seeing you all there.


Also, a reminder that the instrumental concert is on the following week - Thursday 7th Dec 6pm - 8pm in the gym


Ricky Allan (Specialist Music teacher and Music coordinator)


Regional Cricket Blast School Cup

Consent forms were handed out this week for those competing in the Regional Cricket Blast School Cup in Moe.  Consent is due by the 14th November.


Grade 2 Sleep Over

As a start to the Trafalgar Primary School camping program, a sleep over has been planned for Grade 2 students on Friday 8th December at Trafalgar Primary School.


Students attending will be asked to arrive at school at 5:30pm on Friday. Throughout the afternoon and evening, students will participate in games and activities and possibly a movie, if time permits. A reminder that students must leave school at 3:25pm as usual on Friday 8th and return at 5:30pm for the sleepover. 


We will have sausages in bread and salad for dinner, followed by an ice-cream. 


The following morning, students will pack up their sleeping bags and belongings, eat breakfast and be ready for collection by parents or carers at 7:30am sharp on Saturday 9th December 2022. Please be prompt in collecting your child at this time. Your child will need to be signed out by a teacher before leaving. 


Students will need to bring:

  • Pyjamas
  • Change of clothes
  • Toothbrush & toothpaste
  • Sleeping bag / doona
  • Blow up mattress
  • Pillow
  • Slippers or thongs
  • Sensible shoes i.e. runners
  • Teddy bear or comfort toy (optional)


Please complete, sign and return the permission forms that were sent home this week by 

Friday 1st December 2023.