Principals Message

Latest GPA Bronze Awards.

It was my great pleasure to recognise and congratulate our latest Bronze GPA recipients at our whole-school assembly on 3rd November.  I congratulate these students on achieving this significant milestone.  This accomplishment is a testament to the character and consistent effort shown by these students who uphold our school values: Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be A Learner.


The Bronze GPA Award acknowledges these students consistent maintenance of a high standard of learning behaviour. Every month, teachers provide progress reports that assess students performance against our school values. The GPA Bronze award goes to students  that have achieved the "GPA All-star!" status, the highest level of achievement, on 30 or more occasions. Their dedication to learning, strong work ethic, and continual pursuit of knowledge are truly commendable. I am immensely proud to say that these  young people are students of Trafalgar Primary School.


Congratulations to:


Charlie Franke

Eli Hawkes

Lara Nunn

Aurora Coffey

Macey Hearne

Ariki Smith

Penny Brownbill

Bonnie Radford

Skyla Embleton

Luke Fischer

Isla Jennings

Amelie Brown

Jake Fischer

Lenny Jennings

Harleen Matharu

Imogen Radic

Cooper Smith

Dan Zelenewicz

Ada Crow

Aleera DeVries

Parent and Carers  Opinion Survey 2023

Each year the school conducts an opinion survey with the school community. All families were invited to participate during August.  Results are now in and will be used to inform and direct our future school planning and improvement. Thank you to all those who participated in the the 2023 Parent Opinion Survey.   


The School Council has taken a first look at the results below and identified School and Teacher Communication as two area in which the Council would like to do some more investigation.  Below are the item responses in these areas.

While the survey indicates strong positive endorsement of school information (94%), 35% of respondents feel teachers are not communicating with them often enough about their child's progress.  


Because we believe learning occurs best when there is a strong partnership between teachers, parents and the child, in 2023 Trafalgar Primary School made a significant financial investment to provide each full-time teacher with 3 hours per week to increase communication with families (usually via phone, email or Compass).   Given the substantial investment School Council is keen to understand more about parent expectations and experiences.  If you have insights to share that might support the School Council's investigation in this area we would love to hear from you.