Message from 


School Nurse Janice

Lions Eye Health Program

This week the Lions Australian Children’s Vision Screening Program team attended Wedderburn College and assessed the vision of  35 students who had returned consent forms. Of those students 10 have been referred for a comprehensive eye test. The results will be sent home with your student this week

Thanks to Lions -Harry Brindley and his team for making this important free program available to our students.


School Garden

School Garden
Kylie - Canteen Manager
School Garden
Kylie - Canteen Manager

The school garden, thanks to the attention of the Year nine Duke of Edinburgh program students, is now quite productive and has supplied almost all the lettuce required by the school Café this term.

New spring seedlings are expected to be delivered soon by the Bendigo TAFE Corrections Education Community Plant Project,  and will be planted and cared for by the students. The garden is now a tidy productive area and the students have gained some horticulture knowledge and understand the hard work involved in growing vegetables in our climate. Thanks to Ms Herrington and Ms Van De Wetering for their support, encouragement  and involvement in this project.                     


Janice Deocampo

School Nurse