Classroom Reports

Foundation & One
Our Late Stay was the highlight of last week. Children entered Mrs McKenzie's room where there was a transformation from desks to bush. We saw lots of Australian animals appear. Grandma Pos also made an appearance and read the story of Possum Magic. When the story was finished we boarded the 'bus' and travelled around to the capital cities of Australia searching for the food that would make our tails visible. After sampling lamingtons, Anzac biscuits, and vegemite sandwiches, we made a possum mask. Thanks to Mr Forrest for cooking our BBQ tea. We didn't think there would be any room left ..... but we managed to squeeze in some chocolate just before we left! Thanks to Mrs Mac for being our "bus driver".
Mrs Chalmers, Classroom Teacher
Year 1 & 2
I liked playing musical chairs and the chocolate game because it was challenging. The night walk was terrifying because we walked past the oval! By Jackson
The sleepover was fun, I loved it! I liked the chocolate game and the cake for Belle’s birthday. I loved the night walk too. The game of musical chairs was the best. By Izabell
I really liked the night walk it felt as if I was a vampire! The cake was delicious, one of a kind. In the chocolate game the rules were if you rolled a one or six you got a piece of chocolate and if you didn’t you got one at the end anyway. I loved every single bit of it! By Belle
I liked when we walked past my house and we saw my balls and trampoline. We had a night walk around the school. We went to Ted’s garden and saw pictures all around. We went to the park and had fish and chips and then we went to Hard Hill. By Jordan
Also, a special welcome to our new students - Hayden in year 1 and Alyson in year 2. We are very happy to have you in our room!
Year 3
Greetings Grade 3 Parents, Carers and Community.
This week sees us hit the ground running, undertaking the beginning of our testing in preparation for the Semester 2 Reports.
I must say the students thoroughly enjoyed reading the Iron Man. We finished the book and as a celebration the student created their own Iron Men. Maybe some were a bit wonky, but they collaborated well in the creation. We are now undertaking reading Charlotte’s Web. The vocabulary and setting is creating great discussions.
On Friday we had a first meeting about our Malmsbury Doxa Camp. Please make sure you read all the information and check COMPASS as well.
Our Class Focuses Include:
Maths- Location
Reading – Visualising/ Vocab/Comprehension
Writing- Tightening Tension
Mrs Torney, Classroom Teacher.
Year 4/5
It has been a busy week again in the 4/5 learning community.
Students have been working hard learning about materials and how they look, act, and feel. We have explored what fibres are and we continue to explore the similarities and differences between the materials we use now and the materials that the first nations people chose and used to build with and clothe themselves.
In Mathematics we have been developing an understanding of grid references, reading maps, and understanding directions and how we use compasses to help us get around when we are unsure. We have been learning to play Battleships to practice our use of grid references – we even had Mr Lockhart come to visit for a game with us!
Students have continued to learn about Banjo Paterson and his famous poem ‘Mulga Bill’s Bicycle’ and became word watchers - looking out for words that are unfamiliar and using strategies to work out the meanings of them.
Year 4/5 students have shown they are great leaders this week by helping the F/1 students with using their Chromebooks to complete their Mathematics assessments. Students used kind words and manners and were great role models to the F/1 students!
We have enjoyed the sunshine that has been hanging around and made the most of the time to do some learning outside. Reading books, practicing our SMART Spelling words, and learning about distances and scales.
We are looking forward to heading off on camp in a few weeks. Camp permission forms are now available on Compass for parents/carers to complete.
Students are also reminded to complete their set homework each week - Reading, SMART Spelling and Maths to continue to develop their understanding of information taught.
Miss Anderson, Classroom Teacher
Year 9
Duke of Ed Program
The Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh students ventured out in canoes on the Skinners Flat Reserve on Monday 16th October. The weather wasn’t ideal but this did not deter the students. On the bank the wind was really picking up, however once we were in the canoes and on the water we found some relief with sheltered spots. The weather conditions did make it challenging for the students, with a strong pull back to shore.
The students were placed in pairs of mixed ability to canoe in. Mr Lockhart taught the students some new techniques in preparation for the big adventure journey in November to Lake Eppalock. Between Mr Lockhart, Miss Van Wetering and myself we decided not to practice a deep-water rescue, due to the cold wind, however, Jason and Deacon managed to provide the students with the experience anyway. Everyone did an exceptional job learning how to empty the canoe while in the water and safely return the boys to their canoe.
Rafting up was initially practiced on our first canoe trip back in Term 3, and the students have certainly got this under control now. The J Stroke was a new technique for the students on the day. When you’re paddling in tandem, there’s always that tendency for the boat to turn a bit to the stern paddler’s off side. The J stroke, is for minor corrections to keep the boat on the straight path.
All the students who attended achieved the requirements of the day, setting them up for a successful final journey in November.
Alpine Leadership Camp
Our six Alpine students have been enjoying their journey so far. Reading through different Sways (online log that the students use to reflect and log in on a daily basis) students have made new friends, gone on different walks/hikes along with mountain bike riding and skiing! Students got to experience a large amount of snow in week two!
Students have been setting goals, building their confidence and leadership skills while on this journey.
We love hearing and reading what the girls are achieving and hope they continue to make great progress as young leaders.
Ms Herrington and Miss Van De Wetering, Duke of Ed. and Homeroom Teacher
Year 10
A reminder for all students that the VCE (Victorian Certificate of Education) examinations are beginning this week and will run until Tuesday 14th November. While you might not be directly involved in these exams as Year 10 students, it's important to remember that the VCE students will be working diligently to achieve their best results. Please be respectful and considerate when you are near the exam room areas.
Preparing for exams:
With seven weeks left of the 2023 school year, it's essential for our Year 10 students to stay motivated and organised. With VCAA VCE examinations beginning this week for some of our students and upcoming subject exams taking place in classes before the end of the year it is important to start planning and revising. The final stretch may feel overwhelming, but with the right strategies, you can finish strong. Here are some helpful tips to keep you on track:
1. Set Clear Goals: Define your academic and personal goals for the year's end. Break these goals into smaller, manageable tasks to stay focused and motivated.
2. Prioritise and Plan: Create a weekly study schedule to allocate time for all your subjects. Use tools like planners or digital calendars to keep track of deadlines and important dates.
3. Stay Organised: Organise your study space to minimise distractions and ensure you have everything you need. Keep all your study materials and notes well-organized, making it easier to revise and review.
4. Take Breaks: Remember to take short, regular breaks during your study sessions to avoid burnout. Plan some fun activities to refresh your mind and maintain a healthy balance.
5. Seek Help When Needed: Don't be afraid to reach out to teachers, classmates, or trusted adults if you're struggling with any subjects. Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness, and can make a big difference in your performance.
6. Practice Self-Care: Eat well, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly to maintain your physical and mental health. Reducing stress is crucial during this period, and self-care plays a vital role.
7. Stay Positive: Focus on your achievements and what you've learned so far. A positive mindset can boost your motivation and help you overcome challenges.
8. Review and Revise: Regularly review your notes and previous assignments to reinforce your understanding of the material. Create study groups with classmates for group revision sessions.
9. Celebrate Your Progress: Acknowledge and reward yourself for your accomplishments, no matter how small. Positive reinforcement can keep your motivation levels high.
10. Stay Flexible: Be open to adapting your plan if needed, as sometimes unexpected events can occur. Flexibility is a valuable skill that will serve you well in the future.
Remember, Year 10 is an important stepping stone in your educational journey, and the effort you put in now will pay off in the long run!
Utilise Homework Club:
Homework Club is available to all students on Tuesdays and Thursdays during lunchtime. It's an excellent opportunity to work on your assignments in a focused environment, ask questions, and collaborate with peers. Staff members are there to support you, so make the most of this resource to manage your workload effectively.
Seek Support from Teachers:
Your homeroom teachers and classroom teachers are here to help you succeed. If you're facing challenges, whether they're academic or personal, don't hesitate to schedule a meeting with them or our wellbeing staff. They can provide valuable insights, resources, and assistance tailored to your needs. Communication is key, so don't be shy about asking for help.
Year 10 Camp:
Camp will be taking place during Week 10, from December 6 – 8th for our Year 10 students. We are looking forward to heading to Melbourne with students and exploring the city through a range of educational and team based activities and experiences. Please stay tuned for further information very soon.
Mr Iser, Mrs Barker and Mr Merritt, Homeroom Teachers
Year 11 & 12
Last week we said a fond farewell to our wonderful Year 12 students who celebrated their last day on Friday. The day began with the usual high jinks: Vaseline on door handles, sabotage to the teacher’s toilet paper etc. An inventive prank this year was to create fake canteen vouchers which some students actually tried to cash in. (Sorry, you can’t get anything over Kylie!)
Overall, the students had a fun morning which ended with an enjoyable lunch at the Bridgewater Hotel with the principal and homegroup teachers.
Year 12s, on behalf of your homegroup teachers, we wish you well with your exams and look forward to hearing about your growth and progress in the future!
Mr Gretgrix, Mrs Woodman and Mrs Ritchie, Year 11 & 12 Homeroom Teachers.
PE News - Mr P and Miss Milne
Mr P’s Secondary Student of the Fortnight is This fortnight, the award goes to Aaron Thomas. Aaron has made a terrific start to term 4. He is showing many of our expected behaviours such as identifying and managing his emotions, keeping on trying, participating and viewing situations positively. Because of this, he has made terrific progress in skill development during our volleyball unit and is really enjoying practical classes. Well done, Aaron.
Miss M’s Primary PE Student of the Fortnight is Georgia Martin. Georgia has been a fantastic role model within PE. She gives each activity her best, is very positive and is quick to follow our expected behaviours within class. Well done, Georgia!
Year 8 – Community Sport Unit
This term the Year 8 students have started a Community Sport Unit. They have the opportunity to head out into the local community and participate in a sports such as golf, netball, lawn bowls and tennis. Last week we had Redbacks Netballer and Wedderburn College Teacher Maddison Postle take a session of netball at the courts and discuss with students all the amazing benefits of getting involved in a community sport such as netball. She then took us for some netball skills and drills, finishing with a game of ‘Fast 5’ Netball.
Well done to all students for their engagement and respectful behaviour during this session. I am sure this will continue as we participate in other sports and listen to other guest presenters during the term.
Calder T20 Blast
On Thursday 19th of October - 16 enthusiastic budding Cricketing Superstars from Grade 5/6 and 3 potential IPL Cricket Managers headed over to the Northern Oasis to participate in the Calder T20 Blast.
The two teams played exceptionally well during the day, improving immensely each game to be extremely competitive.
Over the course of the day there were some outstanding batting and bowling performances in the warm conditions. There was some huge hitting from Blaz, Will, and Charles, who smashed the ball to all parts of the ground hitting impressive fours and sixes. Aysha Rose bowled particularly well, managing to snare a hat trick in one of the games. Fielding was also a highlight of the Wedderburn Teams with everyone displaying agility and teamwork, making some excellent catches, saving runs and creating run outs.
The Wedderburn One team consisting of Blaz, Wil, Aysha Rose, Bianca, Wayde, Kaiden, Heath and Flynn were unlucky not to play off in the Bronze Medal game, after narrowly losing a pool match to the eventual winners on the day. Instead they had to settle for playing in the 5th vs 6th match, which they comfortably won.
It was a tough day at the office for the Wedderburn Two team with many having a hit of cricket for the first time. The team consisted of Jack, Destiny, Lily, Caleb, Charles, Charlie, Luke and Brodie. Whilst they weren’t as successful, they showed fantastic improvement with their skills over the day!
Well done to everyone who participated demonstrating our school values of Respect, Responsibility and a tonne of Resilience in the conditions. A big thanks to Mr Forrest for providing us with a cool treat which we enjoyed on the banks of Lake Boort afterwards
Massive thanks also go to our VCE Sport and Rec students - Beau, Amelia & Charlotte who helped run the day, umpiring and scoring the games.
A big thanks to my fellow coaches Mr Forrest (also Chief chair provider) and Mr Daniel Pettifer.
Mr G
OSHC Program
To Parent/Carers,
Please be aware, if your child/children has a booking to attend Wedderburn OSHC Program ensure that you inform the College of any changes which may arise. This needs to done only by the Parent/Carer and not by the student. This will avoid any confusion.
Thank you for your understanding.
Trina Vaughan, Melinda Springthorpe, Annette Hunt.
OSHC Coordinators.
Homework Club
Homework Club is held each Tuesday and Thursday at lunchtime in Room 11, students can drop in and work in a quiet, warm space. They can work independently or get help as required. As this is a voluntary program designed to give students an opportunity to catch up, own their learning, or get ahead, Homework Club is a chance for students to demonstrate our core values of Responsibility and Resilience.
Don't wait for the end of semester to view your child's progress. Log in to Compass and view teacher feedback and feed forward at any time by checking out your child's Learning Tasks. Children also receive regular (every 5 weeks) progress reports on their Organisation, Behaviour, Attitude to Learning and Work Completion. Learning Tasks and Reports can be found on you child's profile page.