Principal's Message

Mr Forrest

Term 4 Continues to be Very  Busy 

We have continued a very fast paced  start to Term 4.  Thanks to all the students for participating and staff members who have organised a variety of activities in the last fortnight.  Activities have included:

  • Year 12 class last day assembly, morning tea and lunch, which also included a very respectful and humorous mini muck up day.
  • Year 2 sleep over and local excursion. 
  • After school basketball resumes.
  • Year 9 canoeing. 
  • Calder modified T20 cricket in Boort
  • Commencement of VCE exams this week.  
  • Starting next week we have the Year 7/8 Halls Gap Camp to look forward to. 

Please make sure you keep up to date with all our platforms, especially COMPASS, Newsletter and the Yearly Planner/Calendar. 

Short Week 6 - Curriculum Day

Don't forget, as per the school calendar, Monday the 6th of November is a student free day and Tuesday 7th is a public holiday for the Melbourne Cup.    A great chance to have a small break to prepare for a big finish to the school year and the upcoming farmers harvest. 

Planning for 2024

We are currently trying to finalise our planning for 2024. If you know that your circumstances may change at the beginning of the school year, please contact the school office or home-room teacher.  Looking forward to 2024, with the possibility of having a straight Prep class in 2024 as the numbers are healthy.   We are also considering having two year 7 classes for the first time in a long time.  As you maybe aware, Victoria is experiencing the biggest teacher shortage in almost 40 years, however I am confident that we will have a majority of our positions filled within the next month. We will keep you informed of staffing, classes and other information for 2024 as the term progresses. 


I have been fielding a few enquiries lately about COVID.  Yes it is still around. 

Please see current advice below from the Department of Education.

Management of COVID-19 in schools

It is recommended that staff members, students or visitors who have symptoms of cold, influenza or COVID-19 undergo testing for COVID-19. Parents of symptomatic students should be asked to collect their child from school and keep them home until they are no longer symptomatic.

The Department of Health recommends that staff and students who test positive for COVID-19 isolate for a minimum of 5 days and do not attend school until their symptoms resolve. If well enough, students should be supported in the same way as students with an extended absence due to illness or injury, with learning material provided to support their continued learning.

Schools must treat health information, including positive COVID-19 test results, in accordance with the Schools’ Privacy Policy. COVID-19 diagnoses are not to be shared or discussed unless the individual (or their parent/carer) provides consent, or unless schools are legally obliged or authorised to do so. 


Infection prevention and control

All staff, students and visitors to schools should practise good hand hygiene, particularly on arrival to school, before and after eating, after blowing their nose, coughing, sneezing or using the toilet. Staff should direct or supervise young students where required.