Primary SS News
The Primary Performance Rehearsal is on Monday 23rd October, and the concert is the following week. Keep practicing with your students to be ready for the big day.
Primary SS News
The Primary Performance Rehearsal is on Monday 23rd October, and the concert is the following week. Keep practicing with your students to be ready for the big day.
Warmer weather
A reminder to ensure your students wear sunscreen and a hat outside as the weather warms up. Some students will need prompting and some help to remove their jumpers on a warm day. Also remember to keep yourselves sunsmart and model this to our students every day.
It is newsletter week, that means you will need to get your Student of the Week awards to Kay by Weddnesday so that they can go in the newsletter. It is Room 6's week to write a newsletter piece.
There are several events in the CLH that conflict with assembly, including Prep Orientation, Performance rehearsal and our Santa visit. Our assemblies occur every 2 weeks when there is a newsletter. The only date available Friday for an assembly is 24th November. To have at least one other assembly this term , I propose that we have another assembly on a Friday that is not within our fortnightly cycle, so that means it won’t be a newsletter week.
This means that the next assembly will be on November 3rd (Santhy)
The final assembly for this year will be on November 24th (Shirley)
I have emailed staff the Assembly PowerPoint and Student Award Template.
If IT support is required, please arrange this IN ADVANCE from Loc or Luat, or a colleague can support. It is the responsibility of the staff running assembly to set up the chairs and PowerPoint, and leave CLH the packed up and tidy, i.e. chairs away, fans/heater etc off, lights off. If you have any questions, please just ask me.
CROCS Primary Excursion
The Primary sub school students are all going to the CROCS play centre to celebrate their year's acheivements. There is no cost to parents for this excursion. The dates for this excursion are:
Monday 27th November for Rooms 1,2,3, and 6.
Tuesday 28th November for Rooms 4,5,7,8 and 9.