Celebrations and Acclamations

- Primary SS - Thank you to Maria who has driven our secondary students on their excursions recently. Also thank you to Santhy and Tania who keep things running smoothly in the classroom while she is out.
- Middle SS - What a day?! Thank you to ALL the middle school staff for their work in the lead-up to Inflatable World. Similarly, to PCT and leaders on the ground who navigated a busy day at school in our absence!
- Secondary SS - Thank you to those staff who faciliated the PBS Celebration at Inflatable World last Monday morning. By all reports, it was a terrific event!
- Learning Specialists - We would like to thank everyone for stepping in and stepping up to the plate whenever needed. You are all amazing!
- Therapy -
- Admin - A big shout out to Fiona Micelotta for her support covering admin/reception during our admin meetings. The team appreciates your support.
- PCT - Congratulations to Irene Gacovski for her shortlisting for the PASS ES of the Year Award. We are very proud of this acknowledgement of your work at this level. Great job!