
Hai semua (Hi everyone)!


It has been wonderful to see the progress that our students are making across the school. This week I asked the students describe their learning so far this term. These are some of their responses:


'I can tell you what I am wearing. I am wearing celana panjang (long pants), and sepatu (shoes). I am not wearing a jaket (jacket) or gaun (dress) today.' (Grade 1)


'We can talk about different clothes. It is easy to remember that jaket means 'jacket'!' (Grade 2)


'I am glad that I can remember that selamat sore means 'good afternoon'.' (Foundation)


'We have learnt about the reasons that Indonesian rainforest animals become endangered.' (Grade 5)


'I can name lots of animals in Indonesian and say where they live in Indonesian.' (Grade 6)


'We can describe features of animals using nouns and adjectives.' (Grade 6)


The rest of the term will be spent learning about Indonesian visual and performing arts. We will be performing puppet shows, learning songs on Indonesian angklung instruments and playing with our sets of Indonesian costumes. 


Please get in touch of you are planning a trip to Indonesia for your family. I have some fact sheets and simple Indonesian phrases that might be useful to you.


If you have any questions about the Indonesian program, please feel free to email me


Have a wonderful weekend!


Ibu (Mrs) Ally Brennan