A Spotlight on Learning
A Spotlight on Learning in the FLC on Heights Campus
Where has the time gone? 2023 is just flying by!!! The Foundation Learning Centre students have returned to school in Term 4 with enthusiasm and an eagerness to learn. They have all settled back to school with ease and are following the routines and expectations of the classroom. The students are looking forward to a jam-packed term, and are counting down the days until we go to our upcoming swimming program in November.
In Reading, the students are developing their comprehension strategies to understand and discuss books that they have listened to or read independently. We have focused on what the question is asking us, looking at the key words in the question and using the pictures to answer questions. We have been learning to answer questions in full sentences using key words from the text.
In Writing, the students are learning to write about personal events and experiences. They are using their drawings as a form of planning and are labelling their pictures. The students are also attempting to write their own simple sentences using familiar words or words from within our classroom environment.
In Maths, the FLC students are continuing to develop their knowledge of numbers and counting skills. We have been focusing on representing numbers and their value, identifying numbers before and after, as well as identifying what number is one more and one less of a given number. We have also been exploring the concept of sharing. The students have been sharing small groups of objects into equal groups and recognising when there are remainders.
In Social and Emotional Learning, the students have been learning to build positive relationships with their teachers and peers. We have been focusing on recognising situations where they feel safe or unsafe and identifying when they might need help and who they can ask for help. Through discussions in Circle Time sessions, students understand the importance of seeking help from adults that they know when problems are too big to solve on their own.
In Projects, we have been continuing to learn about living things. We have been focusing on the basic needs of animals, recognising the different habitats that they live in, and identifying features of some farm animals and their young.
On Monday 16th of October, the FLC students from both campuses went on an excursion to Chesterfield Farm. Our students had the opportunity to experience a real ‘hands-on’ experience of farm life. We went on a tractor ride around the farm, fed some animals in the paddocks, handled baby animals in the nursery, milked the cows, watched the working dog show and attended an education session. A fun day was had by all despite the weather.
The FLC teachers are so proud of how the students have been engaging with their learning this term. We are looking forward to continue working with our fantastic students and sgetting them ready for Year 1..
Mrs Georgia Vamvas
Learning Centre Leader FLC
(Heights Campus)