What's happening in Italian?
ITALIAN DAY was a great success with the help of amazing parents and very talented and dedicated teaching staff. Thank you again to eveyone involved!
The children participated in a number of activities during the day. They were in multi aged groups with their buddies.
The children learnt a new Italian dance called La Tarantella. The dance traces its origins to Taranto, a city in Puglia, the “heel” of Italy's “boot .” Their dancing skills were very evident.
They learnt to play a popular Italian card game called Scopa. It is one of the three major national card games in Italy, the others being Briscola and Tresette. It was brought in by Italian immigrants and still played in Italian families by children and adults alike. Scopa, literally to sweep, simply refers to the action of sweeeping up all the face-up cards from the card pool.
Tombola (Bingo) was another activity the children participated in. They practiced their knowledge of the numbers in Italian while playing to win a treat.
The children had a go at being Michelangelo and felt what it was like to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel on his back.
The children created their own Roman Mosaics. They did an excellent job!
The children were able to enjoy the beautiful warm weather on Italian day, playing Bocce and Calcio on our oval.
Finally, an Italian celebration always has food. The children enjoyed cannoli and crostoli for morning recess and pizza and gelati for lunch. Buon Apetito!
Alla prossima occasione!
Gina Michieli