Education in Faith

Faith, Family, Friendship

A Date for 2025

The Sacrament of Confirmation will be held on Thursday the 22nd of May at 7pm at St. Patrick's  Cathedral, East Melbourne.

St. Vinnie's Christmas Hampers

During Meditation last week the Year 6 students shared a prayer service with individual classes. Each class has  been given a family to collect for. Donations  of food, gifts and toys are welcome to create a Christmas hamper. This will brighten up the season of Christmas for the many families in the local area who are in need of our help. Please check use by dates of food. New toys only thanks. 

Hampers will be collected for the Parish on Wednesday 4th December.


Jesse Tree Morning Meditations

As we begin to prepare for Christmas our classes will be presenting stories from the Jesse tree. The stories of people on the Jesse Tree remind us how long the people of God waited for a king. We know that Jesus is the king that God promised to send. We use the Jesse Tree to remind us of God’s promise. Familes are invited to join in our online morning meditations during this time.  The link is on the school calendar.

Our Jesse Tree Presentations for next week are:

Monday - 2JT

Tuesday - 2KJ

Wednesday - 6CW

Thursday - 6AA

Friday - 4DF


Children's Christmas Mass 

The Holy Spirit Parish invites all our students and families to the Christmas Eve Mass celebration, which is held on 24th December at 5:00pm. The Parish would love to make this mass very special and are asking for some children participation. There will be a Navity Play, which will be presented during the mass. A script is available and costumes as well. Of course any child may have their own Christmas costume or outfit they would like to wear.

We also have an amazing singer Cody who will lead the singing. Cody has recently completed his Year 12 and has sung at a previous Level Mass and the fete this year.  I your child would like to be part of the Christmas Mass please

email me as soon as possible. mcondon@hsringwoodnth 


Corinne Davis

Religious Education Leader

Marianne Condon

Sacrament Program Coordinator

Parish Fortnightly

Thank you to all who filled out the recent Holy Spirit Parish music survey.  Some good feedback was gained.  The Parish Pastoral Council are now analysing the responses with the aim to implement any changes that may need to be done.  Many thanks from Maree and Marilyn, Holy Spirit Music Ministry.


All the Vinnies Christmas Hampers have been subscribed to.  Many thanks to everyone and the school particularly for your generosity – we are a very giving community.


The Liturgy Team are looking for volunteers for all Christmas masses.  There are sign up sheets at the back of the Church so please consider how you can help.  The team are always looking for new members, so if you would like to join them, contact the Parish House.  Christmas Eve masses will be at 5pm, 7.30pm and 10.30pm.  Christmas day there will be the 9.00am mass only.


During November, the Remembrance Book with names of those who have passed will be placed by the altar.  If you would like to register the names of your loves ones, please email the Parish Office or there are sheets on the table in the Church foyer where you can add their names.


Don’t forget Christmas Carols on Sunday 8th December from 5.00 pm.  If you are able to bake cookies, slices, cakes etc. it would be appreciated.  They can be brought direct to the Church on that Sunday 8th December.  Thank you.