School Events 

CGPS Masterclass team of 2024

These amazing students all worked together to create awareness for gender equality and provide a school based donation to the Malala Fund to support equal access education for all. The school donated @$500 dollars to this cause and we thank you all for your support. 

The Masterclass students created posters, read books online, ran sports sessions and arranged a dress up day with the theme of ‘Don’t dream it, Be It!’ to encourage students to follow their dreams and choose careers to match these passions. 

The students were involved in some small group sessions with other schools in our network and then did a final presentation at Bunjil Place recently. They did an incredible job and shared their passion for their project. 

Thanks to Mrs Alison and Mr Flanagan for their support along the way. 

Congratulations to Avleen, Haley, Avani, Zohan, Saumya and Arav on their achievements. 

Extra curricular Activities for 2025



Answers on the Stay Connected page.