Kitchen Garden

On Wednesday 6th November, our Environment Leaders together with a group of Year 5 and 6 students, harvested and packed 10 boxes full of fresh produce from our Chatham vegetable garden. The excitement of pulling up carrots and beetroot, as well as digging for potatoes, gave us all so much joy. An array of other fruits and vegetables were also harvested.
Whilst selecting suitable produce, we also took the time to explore all the other plants that were growing in our garden. We snacked on our broad beans in the process, which were juicy and sweet, and noticed the growth of all the additional plants other year levels had contributed, such as lettuce, zucchini, tomatoes, capsicum and basil. We were also amazed by the ongoing seed production from our plants that had already been harvested, especially our radishes, which at their peak of flowering, created excellent seed pods.
Once we returned inside, all our fresh, leafy greens and herbs were carefully washed and wrapped in paper towel. The Conference Room was then turned into a cool room with the air conditioning on to keep all our produce as fresh and crisp as possible. Our 10 boxes were sold and we raised $150.00 towards purchasing new gardening gloves.
Thank you to our wonderful community, who once again supported our Environment Leaders with their venture.
Ms Leda Semercioglu
Kitchen Garden Coordinator