School Events/ Curriculum & Learning

Excursions, Incursions, Curriculum events & Community at school

Grade 6 Leadership Sleepover

Somehow, a water fight was planned without the knowledge of teachers! Besides some (very!) wet clothes, I think we can safely say it was a really fun (and tiring!)night for all. Please see below for some quotes:


Quinn - It was really fun to hang out with the Year 6s and everyone had a really good time

Henry - It was one of the most memorable nights of my life

Indi - Pretty fun, it was a very enjoyable and memorable time

Charlie - It was fun

Sabine - We did not sleep

Audrey - It was a super memorable experience and I'm so glad I got to do it with the people I got to do it with. They made it enjoyable. 

Sophie - I enjoyed it very much

Alice - It's been amazing growing up together and that night represented it



Here's some F/1s showing off thier skills in PE...