Principal's Report
Tim Furphy, Principal
Principal's Report
Tim Furphy, Principal
Third last week of the school year, how are we here already?
Before we get into the regular updates, I'm letting you know we've decided to hold off sending our parent payments for 2025 (voluntary contributions) for current students until the new year. You will recieve this information early in Term One.
The sun was shining for our Tour De Newham yesterday, unfortunately we didnt get thorugh unscathed. There were some tricky parts (up hills, gravel, down hill, traffic etc) which brought some unstuck, meaning some left at the end of the day with bandages and band aids covering grazes and bumps. Not to mention the turkey we saw! In saying this, I will highlight the resilience shown by these students to get back on their bikes and keep going. I also heard much encouragement from senior students to support those younger, none more so than Audrey and Sabine who helped many with all things first aid and moral support. Thankyou girls for your leadership and kindness when you saw it needed. A HUGE thanks to everyone that volunteered, both walking and riding. I know it's time out of your day to come and be a part of things, we really appreciate you being there to help us with events like this. There will be more photos to come...
There's been plenty of jumpers and jackets left in the school yard following recess and lunch times. Please remind students as part of our value of RESPONSIBILITY, we need to care for our own belongings and ensure they get packed away in bags. Some are named, some are not. Please try to get names on all clothing to ensure we can get it back to the right person.
There's some mulch in the car park which has come from our safe tree program, please feel free to bring a trailer and take a load home with you.
Recipe's are in and everything will be printed shortly. Please keep an eye on Compass as these will be available to purchase very soon.
We are seeking donations from families to make the Christmas🎅 Raffle the best yet.
Here are some ideas that we can use to create our hampers.
Something for family
Christmas food / goodies
Something for the garden / outdoors
Something for kids
Something for summer
Something for the parents / carers
Please place donations into the box located outside the office by Tuesday 17th of December.
Tickets will be available next week, and I'll have some spare ones at the office.
The raffle will be drawn at the final assembly on Friday 20th December.