Message from
School Nurse Janice
Message from
School Nurse Janice
The Wellbeing Day is happening this Friday 15th November for year 7-10 students
Please see below information from the Man Cave for parents and Guardians and the session plan for the day from SEED .
Hello Parents & Guardians!
We look forward to working with your son in The Man Cave very soon. Before your young person attends the workshop, we want to provide you with the following information.
What is The Man Cave?
The Man Cave is a preventative mental health charity empowering communities to raise generations of healthy young men. Our vision is a world where every man has healthy relationships, contributes to his community and reaches his full potential. Using evidence-based workshops and expert facilitation, our programs provide boys with the critical emotional and social skills they need to become self-aware, respectful, and emotionally mature men.
Before the workshop, you could…
Day of the Workshop…
For more information about who delivers our workshops, and what's explored in our experiences - click here.
These are the days,
The Man Cave team
You can also find us on…
Wedderburn College Year 7-11 Girls & NB
Friday 15th November, 2024
Introduction (10mins) 9.10-9.20am | Our presenter will welcome the students, sharestories and set the sceneto ensure they are ‘in the zone’ and engaged for a fun day of active learning. |
Workshop 1 (50mins) 9.20-10.10am | Gender Bender/Media Wise Using a variety of genres from pop-culture as exploration tools, we discover how limiting gender stereotypes can be, and how sexism plays out in the media, politics, and at times in the students' own lives. We look at the media’sinfluence, including how it often presents narrow, unobtainable, beauty ideals for girls and women. We uncover the tricks of the trade and empower students to see and embrace their own beauty and style - inside and out, giving them the tools to become more critical and discerning consumers of media messaging. |
Workshop 2 (40mins) 10.10-10.50am | Respectful Relationships - Assert Yourself One of the first words we learn to say is 'No’, yet as we grow up we sometimes find it difficult to assert ourselves. Using a varietyof scenarios, we teach students how to get themselves out of some tricky situations. With lots of hints and tips and some simple and effective self-defence techniques, students will be armed with the toolsto set theirboundaries, understand consent, anddevelop effective personal safety strategies, online and off. |
Recess 10.50-11.20am | |
Workshop 3 (60mins) 11.20am-12.20pm | Talking the Talk Vincent Van Gogh said, “If you hear a voice within you saying, ‘you are not a painter’, then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.” Using art therapy to create a special take-home keepsake (materials provided by SEED Workshops) alongside groupconversation, students will discover the power of positive identity and self-talk as they reflect on what’s important to them. |
Workshop 4 (20mins) 12.20-1.00pm
after lunch | Stress Less With unprecedented levels of anxiety and stress amongst young people today, it has never beenmore important to help them recognise, understand, and manage stress. We promote positive mental health by providing a range of proven stress busting techniques for students to use in their daily lives to increase well-being and facilitate better learning outcomes. |
Lunch 1.00-1.45pm | |
Workshop 5 (75mins) (1.45- 2.15 SL cont.) 2.15-3.25pm (BoF)
Includes conclusion & evaluations | The Best of Friends Most young people claim their most important relationships are with their friends. In this workshop we help them develop the skills to create and maintain respectful relationships with their friends and peers. Students will learn how to find and be a goodfriend, how to recognise and manage tricky relationships, how to build resilience, and how to respectfully resolve conflict. Incorporating affirmative expression, this workshop is guaranteed to strike a chord with every student! Upon conclusion of our event, students will be presented with a special take- home gift as a mementoof our day together. They will be asked to complete our feedback form, and the results and comments will be collated and provided to your school soon after the event. |
Bump Out | Our presenter will require 10-15mins to pack up after the event. |
The Australian Government eSafety Commission recently released new resources for parents/carers on :
and have updated resources on
The eSafety Commission can provide advice and support in relation to online safety issues and can be contacted at:
Janice Deocampo
School Nurse