Principal's Report
- Tania Sorbello
Principal's Report
- Tania Sorbello
Wow, what a wonderful day Fete turned out to be. The weather Gods shone on us and the day couldn’t have been more perfect. Overall, the final profit for the Fete is looking in the vicinity of between $75,000 - $80,000 which is a wonderful achievement and will go a long way towards STEM room development for our 2025 STEM program. A huge shoutout to all of the staff and community volunteers for their efforts in making the day so wonderful. A special thank you to Emily Barnes, Nicole Marson and Steve Wood for their outstanding commitment to supporting our school and for their tireless efforts into making the day such a success, not just financially, but also as a wonderful community building event.
At 11 am on 11 November 1918, the guns on the Western Front fell silent after more than four years of continuous warfare.
This week, on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, we paused to reflect and remember those who came before us for and commemorate Remembrance Day 2024.
Our FNPS Festival of the Arts, along with the End of Year Picnic, Year 5 $20 Boss and whole school Open Afternoon is scheduled for Wednesday 11th December 3:00pm – 6:30pm. The event will include a sausage sizzle and drinks.
This week marked our first of four transition sessions for our 202 Preps. These sessions have been incredibly successful, with our newest little community members settled and excited to become a part of our wonderful school. Make sure to say hello if you see a new family in the yard and welcome to our amazing community.
Next week, our teachers will be speaking to their classes about selecting three learning friends for next year. An emphasis is always placed on choosing people that are good for our learning rather than our friendship groups.
Should there be any information you would like taken into consideration for next year’s classes, please email Sormeh or myself in the coming days.
Our Years 1-6 Step-Up morning will be held on Monday 16th December 2024. This day will be an opportunity for the children to spend time in their new classrooms, with their new teachers and begin to weave the social fabric of their classroom community for 2025.
Go gently,