Principal's Report
Uralla Street Parade
What an incredible event was the Uralla Street Christmas Parade last week. It was amazing how many people from across our region came to Uralla and enjoyed the festivities on the night. Thanks to our students and staff who gave up their time to be a part of the combined schools choir as the Christmas Tree was lit up. A great night all round. Thank you everyone!
Semester 2 Reports
Our teachers have been busy preparing reports for Semester 2 for students in Years K-9 (students in Years 10 received their reports earlier due to their rollover to Academy). It is nice to read about how much our students have progressed and achieved in their classes. Reports will be sent home to families today. If you have any questions regarding any aspect of your child's report, or you would like to make an appointment with your child's teacher, please contact us at the school.
Presentation Day - Tomorrow
Our 2024 Presentation Day will be held tomorrow, Thursday 5 December from 10.00am in the hall. We invite all families to come along and join us for this special event. We are holding one event this year, combining all awards into one day. After the assembly, we invite everyone to stay for a free BBQ lunch, provided by our hospitality class. I sincerely thank all of our sponsors of awards for the day. It simply would not be possible for us to recognise our students in this way, if it were not for the generosity of members of the public and local businesses. Thank you again.
Kindergarten and Transition Graduations
We held a special graduation ceremony for our Kindergarten students and their families today. Our Kindergarten students were acknowledged for completing one full year of school and our transition students commended for completing their transition to school program. Thanks to all parents and members of our community for coming along.
Junior School Graduation
We will also recognise our Year 4 students as they graduate from Junior School on Friday 13 December from 10.30am. We will recognise their completing of Junior School at Uralla Central School with a short presentation and a morning tea. Families of students in Year 4 are welcome to join us.
Pool Days
We have organised two afternoons for students in Week 10 to attend the Uralla Pool. Our K-6 students will travel by bus to the Uralla Pool on Monday 16 December at 1.15pm. Our 7-Academy students will also travel by bus the next day on Tuesday 17 December. Students will be dismissed from the pool at 3.15pm. Parents who normally collect their children from school will need to do so at the Uralla Pool. Bus students will be placed on the bus outside St Joseph's School. Students will need to bring money for pool entry and to use the canteen, if they wish. Our pool days are a thank you to students for their hard work in 2024.
Information for Commencing School in 2025
From 2025 there will be four school development days at the start of the year as well as an addition of others during Terms 2-4.
Starting in 2025, schools will have these school development days:
- 4 days at the commencement of Term 1
- 2 days at the commencement of Term 2
- 1 day at the commencement of Term 3
- 1 day at the commencement of Term 4
The additional days will be student free meaning that students do not attend on these days.
Due to the additional school development days, all students, K-Academy will start the 2025 on the same day, Thursday 6 February 2025.
In the past, students in Kindergarten started school a week later due to their Best Start assessments, this will now occur during the first half of Term 1 in school hours.
Staffing and Classes for 2025
As we move towards the end of 2024, we are well underway for planning for 2025. As you are aware, we are re-structuring our school back to a K-6 and 7-12 model, remembering that we will always remain a K-12 school.
Classes for K-6 will be:
Kindergarten - Miss Georgia Patterson
Year 1 - Mrs Lauren Cotter
Year 2 - Miss Jo Sherrin
Year 3/4 - Mrs Christie Oxley
Year 3/4 - Miss Annabelle Green
Year 5/6 - Miss Natasha Gregory
Year 5/6 - Mrs Katie Hunt
We will welcome back Mrs Hannah Grills as one of our Assistant Principals, who will work part time in 2025. Mrs Katie Hunt will relieve for the remainder of Mrs Grills' executive load. Mr Tom McLean will also be taking leave in Term 1 and we will welcome Mrs Lauren Cotter to the executive team.
Our secondary classes will be structured into two staff room areas, English/CAPA and Secondary Studies for 2025. Mrs Amy Hobbs will be relieving as Deputy Principal in another local school. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr Sam Brown for his work as relieving Head Teacher of Middle School in 2024. Mr Brown has been a terrific executive member of staff and has been a great support of our programs in the Middle School Area.
We will also have a number of Year Advisors for each year level in the secondary department next year. We will provide further details about these positions when school returns.
Would you like some Desks? They Are Free!
We have a surplus of school desks and we are happy to give them away. Maybe you know of an organisation who could use them? Or can you use them yourself? Please contact the school if you would like to have a look and take some (or all of them).
Swimming Carnival in 2025
We have booked the Uralla Pool for our swimming carnival for Friday 14 February. We will provide further detail when school returns next year, but please mark this date in your calendars!
Merry Christmas and Thank You
This is the last newsletter for 2024 and therefore I would like to thank you all for a great year at Uralla Central School. Schools are busy places and our school is no exception. We have worked hard to provide many opportunities for our students in so many areas. I thank our staff who are simply amazing. Every staff member at our school, have a special role to play. Our school cannot function without such a dedicated team. We are all so lucky to have such a committed group of people. I also thank you, the parents and community of Uralla, for your on-going support of our school. Uralla Central School has an important role in our community, being the only K-12 school in town where we can provide a total learning experience. I hope you all have a safe and restful summer break, and I look forward to working with you all again in 2025.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Brad Hunt