School News

School Saving Bonus
New Arrival Program
Dandenong High School has once again developed its own New Arrival Program to support students who are waiting for places at local language schools. Over Terms 2 and 3, 44 young people from non-English speaking backgrounds have arrived in Australia and joined the school’s New Arrival Program. Students and staff at the school are excited to welcome these students into our community, with their rich linguistic and cultural backgrounds and their energy and enthusiasm to learn!
Orientation Program
Since starting at the school, the students have participated in an Orientation Program to learn about school in Australia and at Dandenong. They completed various activities, including About Me posters, a school scavenger hunt and team sports to help build their efficacy and sense of belonging. Students were also provided with laptops for their use until they can afford to purchase their own.
Academic Learning
Students quickly commenced their academic learning program, starting with learning vocabulary, speaking, reading and writing skills associated with themselves, including learning in groups about the body. Students in the class are grouped according to their English language progress, with activities designed to challenge them at their level of English language proficiency.
Students in the Foundation levels of English language learning are developing their knowledge and skills through the study of themes, such as myself, my classroom, my family and friends and my body. Students with more developed English language skills are learning to read, write, speak and listen to academic English, in preparation for their entry into mainstream education.
Careers Information Sessions
The NAP has also included a session about careers run by Year 11 students in the Work Related Skills subject at the school. The older students asked students about their interests in the area of careers in Australia and then designed and delivered the requested information through presentations and activities. Both sets of students gained a great deal from the experience, including careers knowledge, communication skills and social skills and connections.
My Community
To finish the term on a high note, the whole class set off on a tour of Dandenong. Through a team-based scavenger hunt, they learnt how to travel on public transport and increased their knowledge of the public library and local council and enjoyed the delights of Dandenong Market and Dandenong Square. They also visited the Southern Migrant and Refugee Centre to learn about programs and services on offer for themselves, their families and their communities. Finally, students enjoyed a barbecue and games at the local park.
Staff and students both feel lucky to have shared in this enriching experience at such an important stage of the lives of these wonderful young people.
Ms Di Mascolo
New Arrivals Program Teacher