Student Leaders Corner

Julian Hill Award Winner - Keely Xia!
On Sunday 1st December, Mr Ogden and I were incredibly proud and excited to be in the audience when Keely Xia 12E and our SRC President for 2024, accepted the Julian Hill Community Leadership Award at the Dandenong Civic Centre. Keely and over 35 other students from Melbourne Southeast schools were honoured for their strong leadership and community spirit. Keely was a worthy recipient and has had an extraordinary impact both within and outside our school during her 6 years with us. She is committed to making a difference to the lives of others and I wish her well in her future endeavours.
Congratulations Keely and best wishes from all of us.
Keely is a courageous, young leader, who has made a significant contribution to both the Dandenong High School and wider community. She leads by example and has demonstrated incredible commitment to her studies including; as recipient of the DHS STEM award twice, University of Melbourne Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholar, Skyline scholarship recipient and Design Advisory Committee member.
Keely has also demonstrated extraordinary community spirit. In 2024 as Student Representative Council President, she encouraged students to “Say Yes More Often” and led a range of initiatives including raising $4000 for Dandenong Head Space through spearheading the school Push up challenge. Outside our gates, she is a member of the advisory group for ‘The Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use’ with the goal of improving health outcomes for Australian Youth.
Keely has served Dandenong High School for 6 years with integrity and commitment, and we wish her well in her future endeavours. We are confident that she will continue to make a difference in the lives of others.
- Miss McLure, Eucalyptus House Leader
Mrs Ogden
Student Leadership Team 2025
It is my pleasure to confirm the Student Leadership Team for 2025.
These students have demonstrated great commitment to the school, and I look forward to seeing what they can achieve for the school next year.
Their first duty was their involvement in the Student Leadership Legacy Luncheon, an opportunity for our 2024 to share in a cooking and lunch experience with our incoming Student Leaders. It was wonderful to see two years of Student Leaders engaging with each other, with our current leaders sharing advice and experience with our new leaders, to support them as they commence their leadership journey.
I would like to thank the 2024 Year 12 Student Leaders for being part of the experience, their work this year has been outstanding and they have left a significant mark on the school community. They have set a very high standard for their peers to follow.
Thank you to the amazing Food Tech staff, Mrs Ferguson, Mrs Confait, Mr Mullen Kim and Almaz; House Leaders, Mrs Ogden and the Executive Team, your support and enthusiasm for this event is greatly appreciated.
Mr Dewar
Associate Principal