From the Principal

In my final newsletter for the year, I would like to congratulate the Class of 2024 as they complete their final year of secondary schooling. To all students who leave with a VCE or VPC Certificate, we are incredibly proud of you and all you have achieved.
I would also like to acknowledge this year’s ATAR results as they have been outstanding and a significant improvement on the year before. Our dux, Sally Wu, achieved an exceptional score of 99.65 and we have increased the number of students who have achieved a score above 70, 80 and 90. In addition, we have more students this year with a study score over 40 and our mean and median English score has increased to meet our Strategic Plan targets, in our first year - a remarkable effort.
However, senior student success at Dandenong High School is not just defined by ATAR results. A number of students have achieved excellence in VCE VM and an increased number have graduated after completed the VPC certificate. In addition, as well as achieving an ATAR of 92.95, Keely Xia also received the prestigious Hansen Academic Scholarship to study at Melbourne University, valued at $108,000.
Congratulations to all our students and their families and thank you to school leadership, teachers and ES staff for their incredibly hard work in supporting that success.
I encourage you to read through this latest edition of our newsletter to see the incredible things our students have been learning across the school and invite you to join us at our Awards Evening on the 18th of December, where we celebrate student excellence.
I hope you enjoy a restful break with family and friends and look forward to welcoming you back in 2025.
Best wishes,
Susan Ogden