Important Dates and Upcoming events

Term 4 dates: (Bold indicates school closure):
Friday 6th of December - Foodbank Foodfight
Monday 9th of December @ 10 am - Meet you 2025 teacher morning
Monday 9th of December - P/1 Advent Liturgy (2:45pm)
Tuesday 10th of December - End of Year Mass @ 1:30pm followed by Carols in the Church
Wednesday 11th of December @ 2 pm - Passing on Ceremony
Thursday 12th of December @ 12 pm - Graduation Lunch
Thursday 12th of December @ 6 pm - Graduation Mass (Families welcome); this is also Year 6 students final day.
Friday 13th of December - Semester Two Reports are released to families
Tuesday 17th of December - Students in P-5 Last Day 3:10pm finish