From the Acting Principal

I hope everyone found some time to relax with a four-day weekend for our STM students. While students had the chance to refresh and reset for the busy last few weeks of school, staff took the time to gather, reflect, learn, and plan for the 2025 school year. On Monday, all STM staff came together for more professional learning about evidence-based practices and spent time working within their 2025 teams to plan and prepare work units for next year.
On Tuesday, staff ventured into the city to visit the Mary MacKillop Heritage Centre and Mary Glowrey Museum. We spent the day learning about these two remarkable women of faith who dedicated their lives to serving God and their communities by bringing love, hope, faith and charity to those in need. Sr Mary MacKillop is Australia's only saint, and Dr Sr Mary Glowrey is only the second Australian ever considered for sainthood. Thank you to Mrs Marcia Janky, our Religious Education Leader, for organising this day.
Last week, we received a beautiful addition to our stairwell: a ceramic mobile. One of our talented parents, Penny Duke (Mum of Miles in Year 6), is a ceramicist. She worked with each class throughout Term 3 to create this stunning piece. We especially thank Penny for sharing her talents and skills with our students. Thank you also to our creative students who worked on this wonderful piece, and yes, we thank you, Mrs A, for organising this project.
4/5/6 visit to Mater Christi
On Wednesday 13th November, the 4/5/6 students were invited to visit Mater Christi to view the Art Show. We were treated to a brilliant display of exceptional art pieces and were then able to make some of our own art using materials the Mater Christi students had made especially for us. What a treat!
A big thank you to Mel Muller who organised this excursion and the staff and students of Mater Christi College who helped out. They went above and beyond and we loved every minute! Thank you so much.
Several special events are taking place over the next couple of weeks. Please have a look below for upcoming events, as keeping track of everything at this time of the year can be challenging!
St Vincent de Paul Fundraiser:
This event has been the talk of the town and finally takes place tomorrow. Students can participate in various water-based play and activities to help raise much-needed food for those in need. Thank you to our enthusiastic Social Justice Leaders, Archie, Fraser, and Olivia, for organising this event and to our families who have generously donated items and brought hope to others at this time of year.
Meet your Teacher Day:
Students will have the chance to meet their 2025 teacher/s from 10:00 a.m. on Monday, December 9th. Classroom teachers have organised getting-to-know-you games and activities to support students as they meet their teacher/s and new classmates. After recess, students will return to their current classrooms.
End of Year Mass:
We will gather to celebrate a wonderful year of learning and growing at our End of Year Mass on Tuesday 10th December. Please come and celebrate with us in our Parish Church from 1:30 p.m.
Christmas Carols:
Our annual Christmas Carols will be held straight after our Mass from 2:30 pm.
Passing on Ceremony:
The Passing On Ceremony is a very important tradition at our school. It is where our current 2024 school leaders "Pass On" the responsibility of school leadership to our 2025 school leaders. Families of our Year 5 students are encouraged to join the school staff and students on Wednesday, December 11th, at 2:00 p.m. in the Parish Church.
2025 Student Leadership roles will also be announced at this ceremony.
Graduation Day:
Our Year 6 students will complete the final day of their primary school journey on Thursday 12th December. We look forward to celebrating and thanking them as they graduate from STM. Graduation Mass will be held in our Parish Church from 6:00 p.m. STM community members are welcome to attend.
Last Day of School:
Tuesday 17th December, is the last day of school for all Prep - Year 5 students. The teachers will be ready to play 'Tag, you're it!' with parents at 3:10 p.m.
Return to school in 2025:
The students will return to school on Wednesday 29th of January, 2025. There will be no specialist subjects taught in the first week.
Fees and Levies for 2025:
Please keep an eye out for information regarding 2025 school fees and levies. The eldest child of each family has been sent home with this information.
Thank you and God Bless
Danielle George
Acting Principal
Wominjeka Welcome!
At St Thomas More we acknowledge the Wurrundjeri people of the Kulin nation who are the traditional carers of this land where we grow and learn,
We touch the ground to remember the elders of Wurundjeri people who walked these lands before us and also those who care for it now,
We wriggle our fingers to remember that everything in nature, from the roots of the trees to the tips of the leaves, is very important to all of us.
We touch our hearts to show that I love this land and want to help look after it.
We hold up our hand to remember that we need to work together so our land will continue to flourish for generations to come.