Music Corner

Well, that’s a wrap!  What an incredible year of music we have had! Our new intake has surpassed all expectations, especially his term, where practice levels have increased due to performance obligations. 


It is always a joy to watch our young musicians take ownership of their own learning. Our Accent On Achievement band book is so good at supporting this approach. Don’t forget there are fingering/slide/valve combinations listed at the back of the books for independent learning reminders.  These pages can also be used for expanding range and practising different notes, which we also try to do most lessons. 


All students are encouraged to try to teach themselves any pieces BEFORE Southern Roses that we haven’t learned as a group. Remember to always read and clap these pieces before trying to play them. And then - just like eating an elephant one mouthful at a time - we learn them one bar at a time. 


We still have a lunchtime Christmas program to play for our fellow students, but apart from that and a few end of term lessons, we have had a very successful year.


Many thanks to Liam Browning for his support as band leader this year. He has kept Mrs Thomsen on her toes and provided a lot of support to his fellow musicians, including the organisation of our upcoming band party, which will take place this term. 


If your clarinet student will need a new reed or two over the summer break, now is a good time to send in $5 for a replacement. 


If anyone has any issues with practice or instruments over the summer, please drop Lisa Thomsen a line.

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