Kinder/Year 1

The Ultimate Brain Workout
Parents - do you know how to read or speak another language? If you do - you are very fortunate. You will already know the benefits this provides you for possible friendships, business opportunities and general cognitive advances in many areas.
Learning music and musical instruments is likened to learning another language - especially when learning to read and play music. There are so many benefits, and every child in K/1 is exposed to the benefits of this art form at All Saints’ every week.
This term, students are learning to read and play music on recorders. This task may sound onerous - but it is music to our ears on so many levels.
We could write a novel about the benefits in this newsletter, but we won’t. Please just know that your child’s brain lights up like fireworks are going off every time they play. Parts that would otherwise stay dormant. How excited are we to give your children the ultimate brain workout every week?
MUES1.1 Participates in simple speech, singing, playing and moving activities, demonstrating an awareness of musical concepts
MUS1.1 Sings, plays and moves to a range of music, demonstrating an awareness of musical concepts