Community Events

Community Carols.
Community Carols.
Our school will be performing our traditional carol, Away in a Manger, at our local Community Carol evening on Sunday the 15th, 7 - 9pm. This will be on the St Jude’s Church lawn to the left of our school and parish hall.
If your child played the ukulele, flute, or glockenspiel at our presentation night, they are welcome to do the same at our local carols night. Instruments will all be ready for students to play. ALL students are welcome to come and sing, and ALL families are welcome to join in this beautiful Tumbarumba tradition.
A big shout out to Mrs Haslett for volunteering her time to teach our students in years 2 - 6 the ukulele this year. Mrs Haslett has been at school teaching most weeks, refined our arrangement of Away In A Manger, tuned our ukes countless times, including during presentation night, and led our performance. Mrs Haslett is hoping many students come to join her at the community carols for another magical performance.