Junior School
Year 1
These past two weeks have flown by with much laughter and fun happening in the playground and Year 1 classroom. Our class has continued to look at Fractured Fairytales, with a focus on the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Many great discussions and comparisons of this story and the book, The Mermaid were had.
Earlier in the week, we acknowledged Remembrance Day. It was an opportunity to learn about those who served and those who serve today and to foster a sense of gratitude, empathy and respect.
In our Art lesson, the boys and girls tried their hand at weaving. Using a piece of hessian, wool and a needle, we enjoyed a quiet time of weaving outside under the trees. The children happily sat and tackled their weaving project as they chatted away. They were so pleased with their art pieces that they decided to happily show off their weaving to Mrs Burgess and Mr Griffin. Well done Year 1!
Kerry Snook
Year 1 Teacher
Year 2
Recently, the Year 2's had a very full two days of excitement and activities as they took part in their Camp Experience. Our first day we came to school dressed in olden day clothing and spent the day exploring Flagstaff Hill. We explored the trades, did some reading, writing and arithmetic in the school room, made scones and played games!
Thursday evening was full of more surprises as the Year 2's enjoyed a movie in the Auditorium, a play on the Year 4 playground, delicious dinner and dessert, and some exciting minute-to-win-it games.
After a good night's sleep at home, we met for breakfast the next day at Lake Pertobe. Students had a great time playing on the playgrounds, before engaging in more fun camp games and challenges in their teams! We played a game of mini golf, then travelled to Port Fairy for a fishing clinic with the Port Fairy Angling Club. We had a few great catches on Friday (not all fish). Mr Wakim and many others managed to catch some seaweed, Jess caught a hat, and Cayden was the lucky one who caught a fish!
I think it is safe to say that each student had an amazing time across the Year 2 Camp! We would like to thank all of the parent helpers and volunteers who came along and helped out with different parts of the experience!
Alissa Griffin
Year 2 Teacher
Year 3
Year 3's competed in the Oz Rocks times tables competition last week, competing against 388 schools, 2090 classes and 27,481 students across Australia. We had some pretty amazing success, with these impressive achievements! Year 3's are super proud of how hard they worked together as a team to achieve this level of success!
Our most impressive and successful competitors were Joey D, Ethan C and Sam T who were all given some awe-inspiring recognition awards, as you can see in these photos.
We have also been learning about the Earth, Sun and the Moon and this week we learnt about the phases of the moon by using Oreos to make the phases. Not a bad way to learn!
In Maths, we have been consolidating our knowledge of telling the time and also learning about volume and capacity with some hands on games and activities.
Ang Hales
Year 3 Teacher
Year 4
Year 4 continues to be a busy and happy class who show no signs of tiring at the end of term! This week they have been working on inquiry projects as part of our Humanities unit, looking at how life has changed over time. Some project topics include, bridges, trains, communication, bikes, toys and games, school life and dance. Students have posed questions on how these changes have benefited our society as a whole and how some changes have come at a cost to us. Well done Year 4 on grappling with some big ideas and concepts!
In Maths, Year 4's have finished off so many tests - well done! We have been playing games from our Top 10 program, looking at improving quick mental maths and of course learning how to play fairly and honestly. What a delight our Year 4 class is to Miss Stephen and myself!
Emily Hunter
Year 4 Teacher
Year 5
Year 5 has been doing some very creative and insightful learning of late. They have finished up their Maths unit on weight and measurement by having a burger making competition. This was a competition to make a burger the closest to 300 grams in weight. The students all cooked their own burgers and selected their ingredients to compose and weigh their burger before eating it. Two students got within a few grams of the goal weight and one student topped the lot with a burger weighing in at a whopping 450 grams!
We have also been busy making props and rehearsing for our last ever Year 5 Assembly performance on the 22nd of November. This promises to be a lot of fun as I have allowed them to be loud and proud while just having fun with it.
Our Humanities unit on the Gold Rush in Victoria is really ramping up in the build-up to camp in week 8. We have been learning about the Eureka Rebellion and some of the hardships faced during the Gold Rush era. This involved making the Southern Cross flag as a class and presenting some great oral presentations of our learning over the past few weeks, as the excitement continues to build towards going on camp.
Naomi O'Brien
Year 5 Teacher
Year 6
This week Year 6 finished their major assessment piece for their current Science unit. As mentioned previously we have been studying Electrical Circuits and Switches. The class divided into five groups to build a model that could show what they had learnt about Circuits and Switches, ensuring that their model had a switch.
They had a criteria to meet for their model which included having a planning document showing what they would do, including a circuit with a switch and having a model that was creative and sturdy that was presented well. Every group made a wonderful model that successfully met all of this criteria.
Grace, Ollie, Levi, Max, Isla and Eli built a city road with a car that drove and a bus stop that had a buzzer.
Lilibet, Sienna, Mickayla, Elaine, and Zoe built a doll house with lights that glowed.
Eliza P, Eliza R, Niah, Ria and Jewelle built Sky Tower that had lights that glowed all the way up it.
Sam, Xavier, Lachlan, Harvey and Tyler built an airplane with a propeller that spun.
Amelie, Rosie, Nellie and Lylah built a cat that purred.
We hope you enjoy our photos.
Coral Robertson
Year 6 Teacher
Junior School Art
Over the past three weeks, Prep, Year 2 and Year 4 students have been working on weaving. We have explored techniques that have helped us create new and exciting pieces, including changing colours, using different textured wool and string, and winding our string in different ways to create new patterns.
Our focus has been on building new skills and experimenting with different materials, techniques and processes to create unique pieces of art. At the end of our lessons, students present their artworks to their classmates to help inspire and encourage one another in their work.
They have all shown great dedication to the task, as tricky as it can be, and have been a wonderful encouragement to one another as they continue to develop this skill. Well done everyone!
Ruth Zeunert
Junior School Art Teacher
Gideon Program
The end of the year is fast approaching and the Gideon students have not relented! Students are still highly motivated to learn, even as the end of the term draws to an end.
This week we have some superstars to recognise for their persistent efforts and mastery of the content within the Alpha Maths Book! This is an incredible achievement and is a recognition of the hard work and diligence demonstrated over the year.
A massive congratulations to:
Jack N
Julian P
Reuben W
Well done to all! I am incredibly impressed by our Gideon students and their dedication to learning!
The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy and with my song I praise him. - Psalm 28:7
Steph Kosh
Junior School Gideon Teacher