
Student of the Week Awards - Week 10
ICAS Awards
MacqLit Awards
Student of the Week Awards - Week 1
FMM - Amaya J
FA - Bernie R
1/2S - Alfie D
1/2T - Mika T
3/4S - Art C
3/4L - Amelie V and Alessandra L
3/4J - Liliane D
5/6K - Hugo D & Charlee A
5/6J - Liam C
Happy Birthday for Week 1 and the school holidays to ...
Teddy H, Daisy HW, Goldie C, Freya B, Asma A, Cassius C, Wolfe B, Jimmy A, Isolina A-C, Adriana H, Gabriel L, Arkie G and Frank the Cat! (Susie's cat)
Chess Education
The Red Hat
Jaimin Noh, student teacher from Australian Catholic University came to read The Red Hat to 1/2K this morning. The class loved having this special visitor in the classroom.
Student Learning - Foundation
In writing, we are writing for an audience! We are learning that recounts of our holidays help us share and remember happy moments and then we decided that our new principal Matthew might like to see our writing too! So we wrote him a card.
In reading, we are learning that good readers make text to self connections. After reading Jacob’s New Dress we discussed what the book reminded us of and thought about a new outfit we would like to wear to school!
This week in Foundation we have had a fun filled time in science and inquiry. We have been exploring the living and non living things around us, and also discussing the ways we can care for our environment!