Message from the Principal Team

Week 1 Term 4 2024
Dear CNPS Families,
Welcome back to Term 4 2024. Can I please thank the students, parents/carers and my new colleagues for the warm welcome. Although it has not even been a week working with you all, I am feeling a strong sense of connection and excitement for the term ahead.
Principal Handover
During the holidays I met with Rachel and the leadership team to complete a handover, as I commence my Acting Principalship. Part of the handover also included two meetings with Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA), architects and local indigenous representatives as the 8.4 million dollar building modernisation and upgrade project begins to conclude the design and development phase. Once this element of the project is finalised, it will be presented to School Council for endorsement.
Professional Practice Day / Professional Learning
On Monday 7 October 2024, CNPS staff engaged in a Professional Practice Day. This important professional learning day allowed staff to focus on departmental and school priorities. It also presented as an opportunity to meet with the team and discuss Carlton North Primary School’s vision, mission and values as we enter the final term of 2024. Also this week teaching staff had an opportunity to begin year level writing moderation, working in teams to begin assessing students writing pieces using a school generated rubric to assess student achievement.
Thunderstorm Asthma Season
There is an increased risk of seasonal asthma, hay fever and epidemic thunderstorm asthma during seasons with increased grass pollen levels. In Victoria, this is typically between October and December.
Epidemic thunderstorm asthma is triggered by a combination of higher grass pollen levels and a certain type of thunderstorm.
People with a history of asthma, undiagnosed asthma or hay fever are at risk under these conditions. This risk is increased further for people who have poorly treated hay fever and asthma.
The best way to reduce and prevent symptoms of asthma or hay fever and reduce absences from school is to follow an up-to-date asthma action plan or hay fever treatment plan, provided by a GP or specialist.
As we are now into Term 4 and the sun (finally) is beginning to shine, it is important that students have a hat to wear during recess and lunch. If you would like to purchase a hat, please contact the office. We also ask that families ensure students apply sunscreen at home before attending school. We do have some sunscreen supplies at school should students need to reapply during the day.
School – Home Partnership
The hallmark of a strong school-home partnership is open and respectful dialogue, that embodies the school values. Please feel free to reach out to myself, Jane, Erin or Trish, should you have any questions or queries as the term progresses.
Looking forward to sharing the journey with you all.
Warm Regards,
Matthew Ferguson
Acting Principal