Parents Association

The November meeting of Belmont High School Parents Association will be on Monday the 4th of November at 7.15pm in the BHS Staff Room.
This will be our ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. All office bearer positions will be available, including a School Council position. If you would like information about any of the available positions, please contact us at
Second-Hand Book & Uniform Shop
The second hand uniform and book shop will be open on Friday mornings during the school term 8:30am to 9:30am for parents, guardians and students. Payments can be made via cash or card. Card is preferred.
The shop is located to the left of the library at the back of the school, the closest street is Digby Ave.
Lost property is also located here. Please come and check lost property before the items get donated towards the end of the year.
We will be having our end of year sale of books and uniform in December. Further details will follow. Please note, books will be sold in person at the end of year sale (not via the Qkr! app). Start gathering those items you no longer require and get them ready for sale!
Parents Association also have a Facebook page - Belmont High School Parents Association.