Mental Health and Wellbeing 

Am I Being Bullied?


Dear Families, 


What are some of the differences between rude behaviour, conflict, being mean and bullying? It could have been easy for me as a parent to quickly say that my child had been bullied while they were at school. Not every child displays kind behaviours. Sometimes our children forget to be kind. I know that my kids have forgotten to be kind, and they still do. 

At school, we teach kindness and there are many reminders. However, just like maths or spelling, it takes some students longer to master this skill. Some people need more practise. 


Kids Helpline have a handy poster about bullying that I’d like to share with you all. When your child is facing unkind behaviours, you might like to use this to help facilitate a discussion with them. 


Have a great week and please remember to be kind. 


Andy McNeilly

Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader