On Friday, 25th October, the Prep to Year 2 classes enjoyed their annual Stay Late Night.
The students were thrilled to stay after school, participate in fun activities, eat many slices of pizza, and experience school ‘when it gets dark’.
It was an action-packed afternoon, filled with snacks and activities such as cartoon drawing, games on the oval and an amazing plank-building challenge.
At 5:15 p.m., we said goodbye to the Preps before picnicking together, with pizza for dinner.
After dinner, the Year 1’s departed, and the Year 2s settled into their Oodies and cuddly toys for an evening of popcorn, lollies and a movie. They enjoyed watching Finding Nemo and were bleary-eyed as they were picked up at 8pm. The students had a fantastic evening, and it was so special to see the relationships develop between the Preps, 1s and 2s as they enjoyed some dedicated time together.
Thank you to the P-2 staff for all their efforts in organising and running the P-2 Stay Late Night. Your enthusiasm and energy were appreciated, especially after a long week.
To the many parent helpers and school families, thank you for your support!
BY VIOLET F (Year 4 Student)
Not only is camp about having fun and spending time with friends but it is also a chance to show your maturity and conquer your fears. Camp is usually an amazing experience that most students will never forget.
Some particular things on camp are highlighted for some people and not for others, like the giant swing. The thrill of being pulled up a tremendous height or even just a little bit, is outstanding.
“I liked going all the way to the top of the giant swing,” reports Tala, a Year 4 student.
Spending time with friends is an important part of everyone's life. This is the highlight of some students’ experiences on camp too.
“I loved being in a cabin with all my friends, we spent a lot of time laughing, even when we should have been asleep…!’ Says Zac (4AM).
Like I said, some students go through more challenges on Camp than you would expect, like fear of heights.
"I found crate climbing really challenging, as I am afraid of heights. But I got to halfway!!” Xavier (4AM).
Camp is also a time that we can be thankful, to the teachers, for all the hard work they put in to organize it and keep it on track, and to the Camp Oasis Staff, who ran spectacular activities for us and managed us, even when we weren’t being the best behaved, haha! We are thankful for the food they provided us that gave us the energy to move through the day and all the things it held for us.
Camp Oasis is a beautiful site containing stunning features and amazing nature. As you pass through it you can’t help but take a minute to appreciate all the spectacular plants and animals. BHCS is lucky to have the opportunity for its Year 3-4 students to visit Camp Oasis and all the amazing people there.
What an awesome time we had!
Congratulations to Elke V, a Year 6 student, for being selected as one of the winners of the recent Bendigo Bank Calendar Art Competition! Elke's artwork will be featured in the 2025 Bendigo Bank Calendar, a wonderful achievement that highlights her creativity and artistic talent. Her piece will be showcased alongside other exceptional student works, offering the community a chance to enjoy the creativity of young artists. Well done, Elke!
Our Year 10’s took part in the Victorian Road to Zero - RoadSmart Interactive Incursion last Tuesday. It was a great day that consisted of 6 stations - designed to create awareness of road safety in a fun and interactive way. We all use our roads in some form or another every day, whether it's walking, cycling and/or driving. Each station provided its own unique animated awareness in 10 minutes.
We looked at how to create safer roads, safer behaviors and global road safety. The favourite station was the VR Station that took us back to the past and drove us into the future. We all have a role to play in contributing to a healthier and safer school community through improved road safety and this incursion certainly gave the students valuable knowledge of their role in this area.
Check out this week's issue of ENVISION - it is jam packed! Remember... If you can DREAM it, you can BE it!