The SEED Program

The SEED Program, Term Four.
Welcome back to Term Four, it promises to be a play filled term with lots of connections to the outdoors! We have experiences planned in the school garden, playgrounds and surroundings including some waterplay (weather dependent) and cooking! We look forward to sharing our experiences with you via the Seesaw application.
Over the coming week families will receive updates (via Seesaw) of the Term Four SEED Program timetable and the children's updated Term Four goals. These goals will be the focus of our sessions until Week Six of this term, where shortly after we will be inviting families to celebrate the children's Semester achievements. A reminder that SEED sessions are on Monday, Thursday and Friday (Mrs. Polson's working days). We aim for each participating student to receive two group sessions per week.
Beyond Week Seven of this term, we will begin to shift our focus on the students transitions to their 2025 classrooms. This will place a specific emphasis on students who will be shifting to the Millie (Year One & Two) and Brady (Three & Four) buildings. At this time most session will be conducted in their new buildings to build familiarity around the spaces and will assist the children in navigating pathways independently to these spaces and their facilities.
As we build mindfulness practises through play in what is sure to be a busy term, we are kindly asking for the support of the Miners Rest Community to assist us in recycling plastic bottle tops of various sizes and colours. We endeavour to use these in a symmetrical and geometrical way to construct mandalas in small groups.
Mandala building is a wonderful way to reflect on ourselves and our practises starting from within. This is represented by building consistent patterns from the center and working outward. We will use the plastic lids as well as our Grapat Loose parts to construct our Mandalas.
I will place a collection box at the front office, any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Please see the images below for reference:
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me via the school office.
Megan Polson