Principal's Report

nline We, at Miners Rest Primary School, would like to acknowledge the Wadawurrung people of the Kulin Nation.
We pay our respects and thank the Wadawurrung people.
May we share your land. We promise to look after it, as well as the animals and people too.
2025 Class Placement Requests
The process of configuring classes for next year has commenced. If you wish to share information about your child that will support successful placement in a class for 2025, please make an appointment with me, via the school email address. Requests for an appointment to discuss 2025 class placement for your child must be received no later than Friday 1st November. If you have requested an appointment already, thank you - I will be in touch with you regarding an appointment this week.
Respectful Relationships Parent Information Session
Our school commenced delivering the Respectful Relationships program at the beginning of 2019, with training for staff and an information session for parents to support implementation. Given recent parent enquiries, The Department of Education Regional Staff will facilitate an online Respectful Relationships Parent Information Session, directly addressing Topic 7 and 8 of the program.
The information session will be held online on Wednesday October 30 at 6:00pm.
Attendee Login Details:
Join as Attendee
Webinar Number: 2653 421 4699
Webinar Password: iuKU3Y5tfX6 (48583958 when dialling from a phone or video system)
Join by Phone: +61-3-8593-9167 Australia Toll (Melbourne)
Access Code: 2653 421 4699
We look forward to seeing you online to receive important information about the Department of Education's Respectful Relationships course.
For those families unable to attend, a webinar will be provided following the session to share the information presented.
Uniform Policy & School Hats
Our current MRPS Uniform Policy was developed in consultation with, and ratified by, the Miners Rest Primary School Council, in 2022. This policy is currently being reviewed for update in 2025, with input from students, staff and families being sought.
As per the Victorian Education SunSmart Policy, staff and students are required to wear hats between September 1 and April 30 of each year. The expectation at our school is that our students, as per the Uniform Policy, will wear a navy blue broadbrimmed hat. We have school hats for sale, as an option at the administration office.
Student Led Conferences
Students and families in S1 have the opportunity to book a Student Led Conference for Monday November 4 from 12:00 pm until 7:00 pm. Online bookings are now open and will close on Thursday 31st October at 4:00pm.
K-F Transition
This Friday, we will host all of the children enrolled to commence Foundation with us in 2025. If you have any children, or you know of any families with children, that are yet to enrol for 2025 Foundation, please reach out and encourage them to do so as soon as possible.
We look forward to families joining us for Assembly this week.
Enjoy the rest of the week,
Kylie Nissen.