Focus on...

Finding Jesus in the fabric of Education
Education is important. As parents we choose a school for a whole range of reasons. At MECS many of our parents express that a key part of their choice is linked to 'training their child in the ways of the Lord'. Whatever our motivation we ultimately want our children to be successful, though our measure of success would vary from family to family and child to child.
As Educators we are rigorous in teaching the prescribed curriculum, Victorian Curriculum 2.0. This is important as we make good stewardship of our student's gifts, fulfill the legal requirements of the office we hold and strive to equip our students to play their part in the future.
As Christian Educators at MECS we also have layers or perspectives that use to help shape how we deliver the Victorian Curriculum. Recently Emma Allison, Dee Dee Booth and myself, as part of a Teaching and Learning Team, looked at these layers from the past and compared them to current trends. We sought to keep the gold of the past and build upon it. From these we came up with 7 threads; Truth Discerner, Purposeful Learner, Justice Seeker, Welcoming Advocate, Awe Dweller, Community Builder and Creation Keeper.
We want our students to be truth discerners, awe seekers, purposeful learners, community builders, justice seekers, welcoming advocates, and creation keepers in order to worship and love God. We believe this is how we find Jesus in the fabric of education. These are the threads that we use to view and deliver the Victorian Curriculum.
Each of these threads have a definition that helps to keep the gold of the past. An example of this is the definition for a Truth Discerner: A truth discerner is someone who tries to figure out what’s really true by following God’s guidance. They spot and question wrong ideas using prayer and the Bible, ask God for wisdom to make good choices, and change their thinking in response. They use their understanding to help others, share the message of Jesus, and tackle problems in the world. Each of these definitions are further linked back to scripture and provide the Biblical foundation for the units to be taught.
We are looking for Artistic and Creative inspiration from the MECS community (students, parents, grandparents and staff) about how these threads could be visually represented (please see the MECS Art Comp for details). You will also start to hear and see us talking about these threads across different aspects of the school as we celebrate what it means to be part of the MECS community.
Malcolm Pirie
Deputy Principal – Primary