
In Maths, the students explored the concept of sharing. Through storytelling, the Preps shared collections of objects, such as gold coins and ice cream scoops, equally between groups. There were discussions about what equal means, what it looks like, and what happens if there aren't equal groups.
Writing has been one of the focus areas in literacy. After listening to the story Dragon Post, the students created a postcard, and wrote a sentence about Alex's dragon. In addition to this, the Preps have been very busy writing their Christmas letters for the Christmas letter exchange. They are learning to write simple sentences and expanding their sentences with a 'where'. In handwriting, the students continue to practise forming letters correctly, writing on the writing line, and giving the letters the correct size and shape.
Education in Faith
The Preps listened to the miracle story of Jesus feeding the 5000. They retold the main events in the story, and I drew the pictures. Some students became characters in the story, such as Jesus, the young boy, and a follower of Jesus. The class asked them questions such as,
Who was in the boat with you?
Are the disciples with you?
Why did you share your food with Jesus?
How did you cut up the bread and fish?