Year 8 Update
Community and Forward Thinking
I hope everyone was able to have an enjoyable term break.
The Year 8s have already begun their preparation for this week's Shelford Fair. The Year 8 students are responsible for the hair and nail stall as well as the ‘kicking a goal’ activity. Thank you to the Parliamentarians for their work on this. I know the Year 8s are excited to assist on Thursday 24 October to raise money for the REACH Siem Reap Foundation. Students will need to bring gold coins so that they can take part in the other stalls and activities.
Last week we concluded our activities on Growth Mindset, we have been looking at this theme of ‘growth mindset’ throughout the year. These activities have been beneficial for the students as an opportunity for reflection and practising reframing their thinking. I encourage the students to use these skills going forward.
This term we are continuing with the theme of ‘metamorphosis’. The aim is that by the end of term, the students will transform into a butterfly and spread their wings for new adventures.
The Year 8 Camp will occur in Week 5 of term. Wed 6th – Fri 8th of November. Please ensure to check the information on Operoo and ensure that all the medical and dietary information is correct. The students will learn more about the specific camp activities this week.
Joy Ashwell Callaway
Year 8 Coordinator