2024 Venture Magazine

11th September 2024
Dear Families,
If you have paid your Curriculum Contributions, your family will automatically have paid for the Venture 2024 magazine; this will be with you at the beginning of December.
This year the magazine will be a 100th Celebration edition, and we can’t wait for you to add this special edition to your collection!
For those members of our community who have not yet paid their Curriculum Contributions but would still like a copy of the Venture 2024 magazine, or who would like to pay for an additional copy of the magazine, can I encourage you to pay your $20 by Friday 18th October 2024.
Payment can be made either-
electronically, by paying into the school account
BSB: 063 149
ACCOUNT: 1002 4046
REFERENCE: Please put your CHILD’S NAME & the word VENTURE
By calling the College on 9580 1184 and asking for the Accounts Department.
Yours sincerely,
Rachael Stone
Acting Principal