Year Six - Spotlight on Learning

Dear Families,


This week St John Ambulance Australia visited our school to deliver their first aid program. This program teaches primary school students on the importance of First Aid and what to do in an event of an emergency.


Term 4 Week 4


This week students revised the four operations. They had the opportunity to revise various strategies  that they can use to solve mathematical problems such as partitioning, area model, vertical algorithm, the compensation strategy, using and empty number line and long division with regrouping.

How you can help at home: You can help by asking your child to explain how to apply the various strategies that they have learnt throughout the week.



This week, students continue reading the novel, "Can You See Me" by Libby Scott and Rebecca Westcott. The story is told through the eyes of a Year 7 students who has Autism. They also focused on reading and spelling 'scribe - script' Latin based words.


In writing, students revised types of connectives and how they can use these in their writing.  These included time connectives, addition connectives, cause and effect connectives and comparison connectives. 

They also continued to learn about persuasive texts through analysing language devices used within persuasive texts and by planning and producing their on own persuasive letter on the benefits of having therapy dogs in schools.


How you can help at home:  

Engage your child in discussions about the topic that they have been focusing on. Students can learn how to deliver persuasive arguments through meaningful discussions.


Religious Education: 

In Religious Education, students continued to delve into how they can bring peace to the world. They  were involved in whole class and small discussions with a focus on questions such as, Why is it important for us to make peace when others can’t? and What obstacles might we face in these situations? Students also explored different scriptures and discussed the scripture meaning and how these scriptures connected to their life and their knowledge of mission.



This week In AUSLAN, students revised the signs that they have learnt so far this term and practiced using these signs in conversations. They were also assessed on these signs.



In our SEL lessons, students continued to focus on problem-solving and help seeking. They leant about what behaviour they are entitled to expect from other people in their life so they always feel safe and how to treat the people in their life so you always keep them safe.


Integrated Studies: 

This week in Integrated Studies, students used their knowledge of rhythm and beat to create their own song using the Music Lab app. Students continued to practice songs for carols and graduation.


Week 5 Term 4

Monday 4th of November School Closure Day
Tuesday 5th of NovemberPublic Holiday School Closure Day
Wednesday 6th of November 
Thursday 7th of November  
Friday 8th of NovemberInterschool Sport


  • Term 4 - Hats/STAPS baseball caps must be worn
  • Monday 4th November: Student Free Day
  • Tuesday 5th November: Cup Day
  • Friday 8th November: Interschool Sport at St Peters
  • Thursday 14th November- St Peter's High School Activity Day
  • Monday 18th November: 3-6 Athletics Day
  • Thursday 21st November- St Peter's Orientation Day
  • Tuesday 3rd December - Carols Afternoon Session Details to Follow
  • Tuesday 3rd December - Carols Evening Session - Food Trucks and Family Picnic 5.30 - 8pm Singing at 6pm
  • Wednesday 4th December: Year 5 and 6 Leadership Mass
  • Tuesday 10th December - State School Orientation Day
  • Thursday 12th December: Year 6 Last Day
  • Thursday 12th December : Year 6 Graduation