Student Services : Wellbeing

Wellbeing, Inclusion and Diversity Captains: Applications Open…
Hey students! Are you passionate about creating a supportive and inclusive environment at our school? Now’s your chance to make a difference!
We’re seeking enthusiastic candidates for the Wellbeing, Inclusion, and Diversity School Captain role. This is your opportunity to advocate for all students, promote mental health initiatives, and champion diverse voices in our community.
As a captain, you'll develop leadership skills and organize impactful events. Whether you want to address important issues or simply help others feel included, your ideas can spark change! Don’t miss out on this chance to be a leader and inspire your fellow students. Apply today and help us build a more inclusive school!
Mental Health Month
Last week, student wellbeing hosted a group of fantastic students at lunchtime in the Theatre to watch ‘Inside Out’ as part of our schools Mental Health month celebrations. Thank you to those students who came along, we hope you enjoyed this classic movie and the great messaging.
Paul Dillon talks all things alcohol and other drugs
One Wednesday October 16, as part of our schools Mental Health month celebration, Paul Dillon visited our school to talk our Year 10 and Year 11 cohorts about alcohol and other drugs.Students from Year 10J wrote the following about their experience:
Paul Dillon’s speech was easily one of the most interesting and informative activities the cohort has participated in. His charismatic personality and the clear and concise way he presented the information made it memorable. We learned about what it means to drink responsibly and how to care for those under the influence of drugs and alcohol. For example, we learned that you should always eat a fistful of food before drinking and drink a glass of water before every drink. We also learned about the sometimes-fatal misconceptions surrounding ‘sobering up’ and how to help drunk people sleep it off safely instead. This was an amazing opportunity, and we would love to have Paul talk at our school again!
~Carla, Freya and Sam
About Paul Dillon
Paul Dillon has been working in the area of drug education for almost 30 years. Through his own business, Drug and Alcohol Research and Training Australia (DARTA) he has been contracted by many organisations to provide updates on current drug trends, as well as advice on alcohol and other drug issues. He continues to work with many school communities across the country to ensure they have access to quality information and best practice drug education.
With a broad knowledge of a range of content areas, Paul regularly provides media comment and is regarded as a key social commentator, he also writes a blog for parents and caregivers, as well as another for young people, and these have recently been released in a podcast format. Check out Paul’s website here to access his resources.
Year 10 Presentation: Young people, alcohol and risk taking: Looking after your mates
This session focuses on alcohol and attempts to debunk some of the myths in this area, particularly around how to look after someone who has drunk too much. Simple strategies to keep yourself and your friends safer when socialising will be provided. Using the latest prevalence data, ‘positive norms’ will be promoted, i.e., the majority of Year 10s do not use drugs. Information will also be provided on e-cigarettes and vaping. Finally, using real-life stories, basic life skills on how to deal with alcohol-related emergencies will be discussed, including knowing when to call an ambulance.
Year 11 Presentation: Alcohol and cannabis: What do you and your friends need to know?
This presentation builds upon introductory information about alcohol and practical strategies around keeping you and your friends safe. Information on cannabis, focusing on ‘positive norms’ i.e., most young people do not use the drug and fewer teens are using it than in the past, will be provided. Potential cannabis-related harms, with an emphasis on mental health will be discussed, as well as some of the possible warning signs that could indicate a person may be experiencing problems with their cannabis use. An update on vaping and e-cigarettes will also be provided. Finally, the impact of alcohol on the adolescent brain will be discussed, highlighting the potential risks of drinking during the teen years.