The Spiel : Halloween edition

More great articles in a spooky special edition
Welcome to the Halloween issue of the Spiel for 2024!
We have some scarily spectacular articles for you to celebrate the spooky season! This issue is filled with vampires, ghosts, movie and book reviews, and everything we love about Halloween!
Hear about the origins of Halloween, world premiere of Vietnamese horror film Ma Da, a rating of Buffy the Vampire Slayer's love interests, a review of a Norwegian mystery novel, Paris Hilton's Halloween history, and a comprehensive review of Carmilla adaptations.
This issue also contains a special sneak peek for the Halloween issue of Ink Blood Comics!
If you are a student interested in joining, want to check us out, or even want to write just one article and never speak to us again, please do! New members and participants are always greatly appreciated, so if you’re interested, email us at:
Or check us out in B5 every Friday at lunch time!
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