From the Principal

We have had lots of different activities and events occurring this Term. This month is mental health month and it’s been great to see a range of opportunities for students to participate in. We had great feedback about Paul Dillon’s presentations to our Year 10 and 11 students on how to look out for each other. Please see the article provide by our Student Services team to read more about this and the other events taking place during mental health month.
Our Year 12 students began their final exams yesterday, marking an important milestone as they conclude their studies. I want to thank our Year 12 cohort for the maturity and thoughtfulness they displayed as they said goodbye to their school, teachers, and friends. In the lead-up to this period, they celebrated with traditions like the ever-popular ‘dress like a teacher’ day, bringing some fantastic look-alikes to life and plenty of joy to the school. Their celebration assembly on their final day was well-run by the captains and highlighted the talent of our school in the show that they put on.
This momentous week culminated in the wonderful Graduation ceremony, that took place last Thursday evening where guest speaker Oliver Gordon, spoke to the cohort about his path following graduation from our school in 2008. It was great to celebrate with the cohort and their families. We extend our best wishes to the Year 12s for a successful exam period and eagerly anticipate celebrating their achievements and future pathways in December.
Recently, many of our Year 10 students participated in the Real Industry Job Interviews (RIJI), held offsite. This invaluable experience provided them with authentic preparation for real interviews, from dressing the part to receiving constructive feedback. It’s wonderful to know how meaningful this experience was for them, and we thank the Middle School team for their efforts in organising it.
A reminder that the upcoming Melbourne Cup weekend offers our families an extended four-day break, as Monday, November 4, is a student-free day. We look forward to welcoming students back, refreshed and recharged, on the Wednesday after the holiday.
As always, I look forward to seeing you at our end-of-year events and celebrations.
Chris Jones