Deputy Principal's Message

Thank you to the students and teachers who were involved in the NE Sings! concert last weekend and to parents who attended the performance and/or transported students to and from the event and rehearsals over the weekend. It was a magnificent display of what our region has to offer in the area of Creative Arts and was a great example of the incredible community spirit we have here in Armidale and The New England. It was an unforgettable experience for all involved.
Particular thanks goes to Mrs Porter and Mrs Farmer who spent many months preparing the students for the event and to Mrs Swain for supporting on the day.
K-2 and 3-6 Assemblies
Parents and carers are invited to attend the K-2 and a 3-6 assemblies that will be held in Week 5. The K-2 assembly will be held in the hall on Tuesday 12 November from 12:30 pm and 3-6 will hold theirs on Thursday 14 November from 12:15 pm. These assemblies are an opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate student achievement and are in addition to our end of year Celebrations of Learning which will be held in Week 9. We look forward to seeing you there!
Selective High School Year 7 Entry in 2026 and Opportunity Class Year 5 entry in 2026
Applications for Year 7 entry into a selective high school in 2026 and Year 5 entry into an opportunity class open this Thursday 7 November 2024 and close 21 February 2025.
For information on the application process, visit the department's selective high schools and opportunity classes parent information site or download the SHS parent application guide above or OC application guide below.
2025 Bus Passes and Bus Routes
Applications for 2025 School Travel Passes are now open. Visit to apply online. Students must live a minimum distance from their school to be eligible for free travel on public bus services. The minimum distance varies according to the year or grade the student is enrolled in.
Edwards Coaches operate the school bus services in Armidale and Uralla. Parents and carers are reminded that some school bus routes are accessible to members of the public. For information on Edwards Bus routes and school bus timetables, please see For further information on the School Student Transport Scheme (SSTS), please see
Lost property
Each day, our staff collect a large number of misplaced items that have been left around the school after break times. Jumpers are the most frequently lost item. Please encourage your child to check the lost property for any lost items.
We currently have a large number of named and unnamed uniform items. Named items are hanging outside the library, ready for collection. Unnamed uniform items will be incorporated into the clothing pool after a period of time, while other items of property are donated to Vinnies or discarded.
Lana Howlett
Deputy Principal