Learning & Teaching 

Learning and Teaching encompasses the following areas: Student Outcomes, Curriculum, Assessment, Reporting, Principles and Pedagogy.


Families, welcome to an exciting 2025 school year! 

We are so happy to have you back, ready to learn, grow, and explore new ideas. This year is full of opportunities to discover, create, and achieve together!


For those families I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting yet, I’d love to take this opportunity to introduce myself.


I have over 20 years of experience in Catholic Education and hold a Master’s in Education. This is my fourth year as Deputy Principal at St. Fidelis, and I am deeply passionate about improving student outcomes and engagement.


Now for the fun facts about me! I love shopping and travelling, and whenever I explore new places, I always visit art galleries - I have a great love for art and enjoy drawing in my free time. As for footy, I hope the Kangaroos have a better season this year and secure a few wins!


As Deputy PrincipalTeaching & Learning Leader, and Learning Diversity Leader, I am committed to fostering a supportive and engaging learning environment for all students.

My Role in Teaching & Learning

As a Teaching & Learning Leader, I focus on enhancing student learning by supporting teachers in delivering high-quality instruction, implementing best practices, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. 

I work closely with staff to:

  • Support high-quality teaching practices and professional development.
  • Lead inquiry planning using the Kath Murdoch approach, ensuring student-driven, meaningful learning experiences.
  • Oversee assessment and reporting, helping teachers track student progress and provide valuable feedback to families.
  • Encourage a culture of continuous improvement in teaching and learning.

Supporting Diverse Learners

As a Learning Diversity Leader, I ensure that students with diverse learning needs receive the appropriate support and adjustments to thrive. 

My role includes:

  • Collaborating with teachers to implement strategies that make learning accessible to all students.
  • Working with families through Parent Support Group Meetings to set and evaluate termly learning goals.
  • Assisting with assessments and reporting to provide tailored learning interventions.

Keeping You Informed

In our newsletter, I’ll share updates on Teaching & Learning and Learning Diversity each week. Teachers will also provide weekly insights into classroom learning, highlighting their goals and focus areas across the curriculum. Our specialist teachers will contribute updates on their exciting lessons as well!


Next week, you’ll receive the Curriculum Overview outlining the key learning areas for Term 1.


I look forward to working closely with all families in 2025 and making this a fantastic year of learning together!

LITERACY NEWS - Bernadette Parnis

Tm 1 Wk 1  Literacy Newsletter

Welcome back to a new school year. The start of a new year is always filled with excitement and anticipation. It is time for new beginnings and fresh starts. 


This year we are engaging in a whole-school approach to the teaching of spelling. Preparation commenced mid Term 4 last year. The Foundation teachers completed training in InitiaLit, an evidence-based whole-class literacy program which aims to provide all children with the essential core knowledge and strong foundations to become successful readers and writers. Last Thursday, the Year 1 to 6 teachers participated in professional development called SMART Spelling. This approach, developed by Michelle Hutchinson, is used widely to teach spelling systematically. It follows a clear scope and sequence.


SMART Spelling begins by teaching students the meaning of words to expand their vocabulary and oral language skills. Teachers then guide students to break words down into syllables, sounds, and letter patterns such as graphs, digraphs, and trigraphs using a routine known as the ‘SMART Sequence.’ The acronym SMART stands for:

  • Say the word
  • Meaning: Discuss its context and variations
  • Analyse its syllables, sounds, and letters
  • Remember key parts of the word
  • Teach by spelling the word aloud and clustering the letters.

Each week, students are explicitly taught one spelling pattern. Teachers select words from a list that ranges from simple to complex, ensuring there’s a variety to meet different student needs. Students are encouraged to choose words from this list and also focus on personal words known as "BOB words" or Back of Book words from their own writing. Teachers provide targeted feedback based on their professional training, helping students with spelling at the point of need.

SMART Spelling includes a weekly routine:

  • Monday: A 20-minute explicit lesson where students select at least 6 words.
  • Tuesday to Thursday: 10-minute word study sessions.
  • Friday: A spelling test and dictation.

If you have any questions about the SMART Spelling or InitiaLit please feel free to contact me.


I look forward to making this year our best yet by working hard, staying curious, and always striving to learn and grow together. 


Every day is an opportunity to learn, grow, and have fun together.

Bernadette Parnis


Scholastic Book Club - Issue 1 Catalogue out now - orders due Wednesday Feb 12

For your convenience,  Book Club Catalogues are sent home with students twice per term.

SPORT & PE NEWS - Michael Jennings


St Fidelis Primary School is an affiliated member of School Sport Victoria and competes in various sports within the Coburg District. The Coburg District aims to provide the children with the opportunity to participate in well-organised and enjoyable sporting events that are an extension of school based Sport & Physical Education programs. It is our school’s belief that children benefit greatly from visiting and competing with other schools within the Coburg District.



SSV Coburg District Summer Sport Competitions

Friday February 21 - Friday March 28


Grade 6 (priority) and Grade 5 students


Boys/Mixed Softball, 

Girls Softball, 

Boys/Mixed Bat Tennis, 

Girls Bat Tennis, 

Boys/Mixed Basketball & 

Girls Basketball.

SSV Coburg District Swimming Trials

School Sport Victoria conducts swimming competitions at district, division, region and state levels, however, the Coburg District does not conduct swimming championships. Students, however, can progress to the next level of competition (Inner North/Moreland Division) by competing in Coburg District Swimming Trials, to be held on Tuesday 18 February at Elite Swimming, Brunswick.


In order to nominate and to compete at this event, students are required to swim for a club outside of school hours, or be at a very good standard (squad). Students swim in 10, 11 & 12/13 year age groups. Ages are calculated as of December 31st in the year of competition. Therefore, if your child is 9 or 10 years of age this year, he/she will compete in the 10 year age group. Children 11 years of age this year compete in the 11 year age group and children 12 years of age this year compete in the 12 year age group. If your child wishes to nominate for this event, please complete and return the form made available to your child at school.



Each year, talented Victorian school students have the opportunity to trial for a place in the School Sport Victoria (SSV) Team Vic state team and participate in annual School Sport Australia (SSA) Championships.  Teams are selected across different sports, involving over nine hundred primary and secondary school students representing 'Team Vic'.


The sports include Australian Football, Baseball, Basketball, Cricket, Cross Country, Diving, Football (Soccer), Golf, Hockey, Netball, Rugby League, Softball, Surfing, Swimming, Tennis, Touch, Track and Field, Triathlon, Volleyball and others.

The School Sport Australian Championships offer gifted and talented students the opportunity to participate in higher levels of sporting competition against students from other Australian states and territories.


Please note: ​The 2025 Team Vic State Team Trial registrations are open. 


Go to https://www.ssv.vic.edu.au/team-vic to view information regarding the nomination process.


You can view trial information regarding the nomination process for each sport (dates, times, venue, age eligibility, nomination closing dates, trial fees and Championship venue and dates) by clicking on the respective links under the Team Vic tab on the SSV website.


Entry closing dates for sports are attached LINKED for your reference. Late entries will not be accepted.



To be eligible for selection, please read the 2025 TeamVic Information sheet on the SSV Website (click on the TeamVic dropdown).


The Team Vic online registration to trial process opens up on a per needs basis - depending on the timing of the trials and the School Sport Australia Championships. 

There is no longer a requirement for Principal's to endorse students at the time of the trials via a printed endorsement form. Instead, Principals are only required to endorse students who are selected for Team Vic teams.


If your child wishes to nominate for a TeamVic sport/s, please follow the steps outlined below:

Step 1: Students must consult with the Principal prior to registering online. Principals may wish to discuss the child’s suitability to trial with the student’s classroom teacher, as well as physical education staff. Schools may elect to run an in-school trial to determine their endorsements. For the following teams each school is only allowed to endorse a maximum of three (3) students to participate in the selection trials: 

  • 12 Years & Under Boys Australian Football 
  • 12 Years & Under Boys Basketball 
  • 12 Years & Under Girls Basketball 
  • 12 Years & Under Boys Cricket 
  • 12 Years & Under Boys Football (Soccer) 
  • 12 Years & Under Girls Netball 

Step 2: The family of the student can then proceed to register online 

Step 3: SSV staff will contact the necessary Principals if more than 3 students are registered. Schools are only allowed to endorse a maximum of three (3) students to participate in the selection trials listed Step 1. The Principal endorsement will be completed via an online form, which will be sent once registrations for the above sports have closed. 

Step 4: After the State Trials are conducted, The Principal of a student who has been selected as a member of a Team Vic team will be asked to endorse the participation of the student as a Team Vic student athlete. Teams will not be announced until this endorsement from Principals is received. Successful students in State Trials will then be announced as team members and receive further documentation in relation to their position on the Team Vic team. 


If your child is nominating for more than one sport, please complete a separate nomination form for each sport.





1/2NA, 1/2VS, 1/2CW 


5/5NT, 5/6ZK, 5/6MC

3/4BP, 3/4SH






YEAR 5/6 


YEAR 3/4