Year 3/4 Team News

with Bec, Mary, Katja, Grace, Alison, Hayley & Steven

Hello Year  3/4 families,   

It was lovely meeting you all at the Meet the Teacher night and gaining more insight on your child. We continue to settle in and establish the routines in the 3/4 classes and are very pleased with how the students are travelling.


Cold Water Swimming

The students have enjoyed participating in this important program and we still have 2 classes to attend in Week 6, Wednesday 5th March – 3/4P & 3/4G.

We thank all the parent helpers who have come along so far.


Junior School Council Class Representative

We have been very impressed with the efforts students have put into their speeches for JSC.


Curriculum Focus: Weeks 5 -6

Literacy: In Reading, we are learning about literal, inferential and evaluative questions to help with our comprehension of texts. We are also focusing on boundary punctuation/sentence structure, nouns and pronouns.

In Writing, we are continuing to use the 6+1 traits and mentor texts to work through the writing process to write a narrative.

Numeracy:  Place Value: Recognise and identify numbers beyond 10,000.

  • Model numbers beyond 10,000 using a range of manipulatives (eg. MAB) 
  • Order numbers beyond 10,000. 
  • Placing numbers in order on a number line with correct scaling. 
  • Understand that numbers can be partitioned.

Inquiry: Our inquiry question is ‘What causes changes on Earth?’ We will begin exploring our understanding of Earth, night and day, and the impact on the planet.

Child wise/Respectful Relationships:  Students identify that everyone has different fears, responses and coping strategies. Students recognise the need to respect this diversity


3/4 Homework

Homework is an important tool for reinforcing what is being learnt at school and we provide our students each week with differentiated activities to cater to their needs, abilities, and interests.


Homework tasks include:

  • Reading – Four nights per week for a minimum of 15 minutes.Students are encouraged to choose their own "just right" books and record the titles on the homework sheet. They can select books based on their individual interests or reading levels.
  • Maths – Playing number games learnt in class at home to continue building number sense and fluency.Each week, students will have two games to play, which can be enjoyed with siblings, friends, or family members. The games will often include extension ideas to further challenge students.
  • Spelling – Each week, students are introduced to a new spelling focus and given a list of words with varying difficulty. They are encouraged to choose seven words from the list and to select three personal words—words that they may have misspelt in their own writing.Suggested activities to help practice these words can be found in their Homework Book under the section "Ways to Learn Your Words."
  • Writing – A short writing task to be completed in the Homework Book.For more confident writers, we encourage students to expand their writing into longer stories, incorporating complex ideas, paragraphs, accurate punctuation, and enhanced vocabulary.

All students will receive their homework on Monday, and it is due back at school by Friday of the same week.



Art Smocks

Marcia Evans, our Art teacher, would appreciate it if students brought in a named Art smock from home. There is no need to purchase a new one as an old shirt will be okay.

Sun Safety

It has been excellent to see our Grade 3/4’s bringing their hats to school and wearing them during break times. In Terms One and Four, students are required to wear their hats during all outside play. Please ensure that your child’s hat is clearly labelled with their name so that it can be easily returned to them if it is misplaced. 

They also require a drink bottle each day.


Important Dates Coming Up: 

NAPLAN – A note has been sent home this week with more information.

Please ensure that iPads brought from home are fully charged and have downloaded the NAPLAN App. We encourage the students to be well rested and relaxed.


Year 3 NAPLAN Timetable 2025

Wed 12 March - Gr3 9:10am Writing (Paper)

Thurs 13 March - Gr3  9:10am Reading

Fri 14 March - Gr3  11:30am – Catch Up

Mon 17 March - Gr3 11:30am CoL (Conventions of Language)

Tues 18 March - Gr3 9:10am Numeracy

Wed 19 March - Gr3 11:30am Catch Up

Thurs 20 March - Gr3 11:30am Catch Up

If you have any questions regarding NAPLAN, please don’t hesitate to contact Steven Puhar or Rebecca Givogue. 


Year 3/4 Camp:

Dates for your calendar: Wed 20th – Fri 22nd August.


Warm regards, 

The Year 3/4 team – Rebecca Givogue & Mary Colangelo (3/4G), Katja Morris (3/4M), Grace Pante & Steven Puhar (3/4P), Alison Standish (3/4S) & Hay;ley Thibou (3/4T)