Year One Team News

with Edan, Claire, Kayleen & Annare

Hello Year One families,

Wow, the first four weeks have certainly flown by! The kids have all settled back into school life and it has been lovely getting to know them all and adjust to their new classroom routines. We are really proud of how well students are coming into the classroom and setting themselves up for the day independently. 

It was great to finally have face to face conversations with most of our Grade 1 families and as a collective we would like to thank you for your time during ‘Meet the Teacher’ afternoon. It was a great opportunity for us to learn more about our students and how we can support them to achieve their best throughout the year ahead. 


Important Reminder: Plastic Drink Bottles

If your child has not brought in a plastic drink bottle, please do so for a little inquiry project starting next week.


Blue Book Bags

It has been great to see everyone’s Blue Book Bags coming to school each day! Just a reminder to please ensure that the green reading record books come to school with them so that our books can be recorded. 


Curriculum Focus: Weeks 5 - 6

Reading: We are continuing the Little Learners Love Literacy program that students commenced last year in Prep. During this term we will be revising stage 7.1 of the program which focuses on vowel graphemes. Our focus for week 5 will be the two syllable words that end in the phoneme ‘e’ represented by the grapheme ‘--y’, and our focus for week 6 will be the phoneme ‘i’ represented by the graphemes ‘igh’, ‘ie’ and ‘-y’.


Writing: Writing ideas will be inspired by our work in Inquiry and through the picture books we read. We will be working on remembering our capital letters and full stops and having a go at our spelling by using the great strategies that we learned in Prep. 


Numeracy: Next week we will continue our focus on place value. During week 6 we will be looking at learning about and practising different strategies to represent and solve addition problems.


Inquiry: We are discussing what it means to keep our community, body and mind safe. Students will be looking at a variety of ways to ensure we have healthy minds, bodies and being safe in the community.  


Willy Kids/Respectful Relationships: Our Willy Kids focus for weeks 5 and 6 is “Willy Kids are sociable". We will be discussing how to be sociable and how it allows us to build strong relationships and boosts feelings of well-being for ourselves and others. Our focus for Respectful Relationships this term is “Positive Coping Strategies”. We have been learning and will continue to focus on recognising and identifying positive coping strategies and how this might look in the classroom and at home. 


Warm regards,

The Grade One Team –  Edan Bacegga (1B), Claire Davies (1D) & 

Kayleen Dumic & Anna Swan (1K)