From the Principal
Principal: Mathew Montebello
From the Principal
Principal: Mathew Montebello
Dear Families,
The Stand Up Project
The school is very excited to announce that we will be partnered with the team at the Stand Up Project to further empower our Willy Kids. This whole school bystander program looks to build the capacity of our students in standing up for the rights of others, while aligning perfectly with the school’s Willy Kids are Friendly Kids Program as well as the Department’s Respectful Relationships program.
The program will see all of our year 5/6 students undertake a half day workshop, followed by the selection and development of Stand Up leaders that will then train up our year 2s, 3s, & 4 students.
The program also incorporates staff and parent workshops as its holistic approach is part of its success. We are very excited about this partnership which has been 12-months in the making. We look forward to providing further details in the coming weeks.
Further information about the Stand-Up project can be found via their website below.
District Swimming Sports
Yesterday the school swimming team headed down to Werribee Pool to compete in the annual District Swimming Carnival. The carnival which sees eight school’s from the Hobsons Bay area compete, has always been a celebrated and exciting event on the school sports calendar.
Our Willy Kids did a great job in representing the school positively and enthusiastically. So much so that they were successful in winning the overall school championship. What a result for the team and school and a big congratulations to our swimmers. A number of our students have also been successful in progressing to the Divisional Swimming finals. We wish them all the best at the next stage.
Student Leadership
On Monday Lisa and I met with our grade 5/6 student leaders to discuss all things Willy Primary. The discussion was about what the students loved and wanted to see continue at the school and what were some things that they would like to see improved. The discussion included school facilities, programs and events and looks to capture student voice.
The students will now look to go to their peers for feedback.
Last week all classes from Prep-4 finalised their Junior School Council Reps. These students will support a range of school fundraising events, as well as support our Senior JSC. We await the arrival of our leadership badges, which students will be presented at a selected assembly. More information about the badge presentation will be communicated once we are informed of a delivery date for the badges.
Beach Swimming Program
Our 3-6 Beach program is in full swing, and to date the groups have experienced a mix of weather conditions. This program looks to provide students with an understanding of beach and water safety, which is so important considering the school’s proximity to the beach.
Clean Up School’s Day
Next Friday 28th February is National Clean Up School’s Day. The day is a precursor to Clean Up Australia Day. As a school we look to promote understanding of this concept by
Unfortunately although we have these initiatives in place our school isn’t excluded from dealing with rubbish in the yard.
Next Friday we are asking for students to bring gloves and tongs to support this day.
In 2024 the school reviewed and audited all of its curriculum programs. The aim of the review was to ensure;
From the review the Willy Way Teaching and Learning Booklet was developed.
This booklet which outlines the school’s approach to all learning areas ensures all staff are provided with the required resources to effectively implement the required curriculum.
Over the coming weeks, via the school’s social media platforms and newsletter we will be sharing aspects of this booklet, with the aim to develop a school community version that will be available on our website.
Website Review
It is amazing how quickly time goes by, and websites can be evidence of that.
We are currently undertaking a review on the content of our website, and although there won't be any layout changes, you may notice changes in content.
Prep BBQ
Our prep families would have received information about our upcoming Prep BBQ. This Friends of Willy supported event is a great opportunity for our prep families to come together and get to know each other. I look forward to firing up the BBQ while the second hand uniform will also be operating.
Date: Thursday 27th Feb
Time: 4:30pm-6pm
Place: Prep Area
School Council Nomination
School councils play a key role in Victorian government schools. Participating as a school council member is a rewarding and challenging experience. The School Council supports the principal to provide the best possible educational outcomes for students.
Who is on the school council?
There are three possible categories of membership:
1. A mandated elected parent category.
More than one third of the elected members must be from this category.
2. A mandated elected Department of Education (DE)
Members of this category may make up no more than one third of the total membership of school council. The principal of the school is automatically one of these members.
3. An optional community member category.
These members are co-opted by the decision of the council because of their special skills, interests, or experiences. DET employees are not eligible to be community members.
The term of office for members is two years. Normally half the members retire each year, and this creates vacancies for the annual school council elections. Retiring members are eligible for further terms and it is common for them to re-nominate. Our School Council is comprised of 7 parents, 5 staff (including the principal) and 3 community members, a total of fifteen. Typically, school council members complete their two-year term on school council and an annual election process commences to determine new membership if required.
This year the council has 4 parent vacancies available under the parent category and 2 community vacancies which will be appointed after the parent categories are filled.
Why is parent membership so important?
Parents on school councils provide important viewpoints and have valuable skills that can help shape the direction of the school. Those parents who become active on a school council find their involvement satisfying in itself and may also find that their children feel a greater sense of belonging.
How can you become involved?
The most obvious way is to vote in the elections, which will be held in March this year if required. However, ballots are only held if more people nominate as candidates than there are positions vacant. In view of this, you might seriously consider:
· standing for election as a member of school council
· encouraging another person to stand for election.
Do I need special experience to be on a school council?
No. What you need is an interest in your child’s school and the desire to work in partnership with others to help shape the school’s future.
Nomination forms are available from the school office.
Nominations close at 4pm Friday 28th February 2025.
For more information please visit:
If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact myself directly via email or call the school 9397 1248.
Warm regards,