Year 9/10

Mr Bray, Ms Hayes, Mr McCall and Ms Sculley

Introducing the Year 10 and Year 9 team for 2025


Executive Assistant Principal: Mr Tim Bray

Assistant Principal: Ms Nina Kempinger


Year 10 Leader: Ms Teresa Hayes

Year 10 Assistant Leader: Amanda Finlay

Year 10 Assistant Leader: Blake Murray

Year 10 Administration Assistant: Brianna Ryan


Year 9 Leader: Kevin McCall

Year 9 Assistant Leader: Thi Pham

Year 9 Assistant Leader: Blake Li

Year 9 Administration Assistant: Amy Barber


Middle School Engagement and Connectedness Leader: Laura Sculley


Year 9

As we approach the midpoint of the Term 1, our Year 9 students at Cranbourne East Secondary College have settled seamlessly into Middle School life, consistently demonstrating positive behaviour and a strong commitment to their classes. They are thoroughly enjoying their elective classes, which offer a diverse range of experiences that foster creativity, teamwork, and personal growth. In Week 6, they will embark on exciting City Experience excursions, further enriching their learning and broadening their perspectives. 


The recent Athletics carnival saw a high level of participation, showcasing the students' enthusiasm and teamwork, and we are proud of the sportsmanship and camaraderie displayed throughout the event. Elective classes have also provided unique opportunities, such as visits to the Cable Park for Sports Pathways, nature hikes in Outdoor Education, and a dance performance at the Sydney Myer Music Bowl. Additionally, Year 9 students have begun Morrisby testing, which will help create personalized career profiles to guide subject selections later in the year. 


These profiles will also be discussed with careers personnel, providing valuable insights into future pathways. As a reminder, we encourage all students to use their allocated lockers and emphasize the importance of punctuality to both school and classes. By maintaining these habits, we are confident that our students will continue to excel and make the most of their Middle School experience.


Kevin McCall

Year 9 Year Level Leader


Year 10

2025 started with a few bumps due to timetabling issues but our Year 10 students have been very patient as we have worked through change of classes and added an extra Maths and English class to the Year 10 timetable. Study Hall is now open and full of students at lunch time which is pleasing to see. Nearly all students are in full school uniform and the Year 10 Leaders have been pleased with how well most students have adapted to being in Year 10, working with their teachers and behaving in a mature and polite manner. 


Excursions and Activities

Year 10 students have participated in a range of activities so far in Term 1:

  • Flourish workshop for girls  – 17/2
  • Outdoor Ed – Orienteering at Cardinia Reservoir – 27/2
  • Outdoor Ed – Cape Woolamai Coastal hike – 26/7

Upcoming Events

  • Reach Foundation workshops – 4/3 – 6/3
  • Parent Teacher Student Interviews – 25/3

Attendance and Lates

Attendance remains a focus. Unfortunately, there are many students who are late to school and late to classes after recess and lunch. It is important that students are on time to their class – this establishes life long habits of punctuality that will be important when students gain part time employment or complete work experience or have a work placement next year. We want our students to achieve success and set themselves up for the best possible future.  



Uniform is generally good across the cohort. Please remember that students cannot wear hoodies and girls must wear a shirt under the school jumper. If your child needs a uniform item but there are financial issues, please contact the Year 10 team and we will organise a voucher. 


Teresa Hayes

Year 10 Year Level Leader