Community Engagement

Information & Events from our Local Community

Dandenong Angels Baseball Club NEEDS YOU!!

Dandenong Angels Baseball Club is hosting their own 'Come and Try' day on March 22nd for both Juniors and Seniors. Juniors will be at 9:00am and Seniors will be at 11:00am. There will also be a free sausage sizzle for all Juniors and parents that attend the day! So come on down to Robert Booth Reserve on March 22nd for a fun day with the Dandenong Angels Baseball Club!

Safe Around Schools - City of Casey 

Getting children to school safely is everyone’s job!

  • Think before you park, drive, drop off and pick up.
  • Be careful around schools, follow signs and obey the road rules.
  • Slow down and be alert! Children can be unpredictable.

School crossing supervisors work Monday to Friday during the school term, usually between the hours of:

  • 8 am - 9.30 am
  • 2.30 pm - 4 pm

You can help ensure the safety of pedestrians and school crossing supervisors in several ways.

Using School Crossings


  • Always stand behind the yellow/white line.
  • Wait behind the yellow/white line until the supervisor has blown their whistle twice.
  • Do not ride bikes across the crossing, bounce balls or run. Walk quickly and safely.
  • Always cross at the crossing when it is in operation.
  • Follow the directions of the supervisor.


  • Ensure you don't park your vehicle within the 'No Stopping' signs to allow visibility for both vehicles on the road and the crossing supervisor.
  • Slow down to 40km/h or less in designated school zones
  • Obey parking restrictions
  • Be alert for the operation of the school crossing.

If you wish to read more information regarding this, please visit the City of Casey website under the Safe Around Schools Program, or see documents attached.



Chinese New Year 

This year welcomes the Year of the Snake in the Chinese zodiac. Past Snake years include 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, and 2013. To celebrate this special occasion, students eagerly took part in a range of festive activities, such as quizzes, calligraphy writing, saying New Year greetings in Chinese, and enjoying a photo booth. Wishing everyone an abundance of health, happiness, wealth, and prosperity in this auspicious Year of the Snake!


Kind Regards, 

The LOTE Team


CESC Community Initiatives


Important Information for Students -- Public Transport Victoria

Public Transport Victoria would like to share some public transport ticketing information which may be of use to students in the school community. In 2025, students can apply for a student transport pass on either an annual basis or half half-yearly basis. Please see the student pass fares below for reference;

If you wish to apply for the student public transport pass please refer to the attached link below. Also, if you have any further questions please visit the Public Transport Victoria website. 


Stage School Australia


Children and Youth Services

Children and Youth Services team at Cranbourne Library have a number of programs that run for youth after school ranging from 5 years of age to 18 years of age. If you wish to see more information please visit or see the attached documents below.