Religious Education and Social Justice

Sacramental Program 2025

After consultation with our parish priest, Fr Werner, and the three principals & Religious Education Leaders of the schools in the combined parishes of Yarraville (St. Augustine’s)  and Kingsville (Corpus Christi and Annunciation) we have taken the opportunity to implement a combined Sacramental Program. 


We believe this will strengthen the bonds between the schools and the parish as we will be able to come together more regularly to share our faith and deepen our connection. With small numbers of students at each school who will be receiving the sacraments, it also allows us to combine resources and share the workload.


Below are the key dates for each sacrament:


First Reconciliation - Year 3

First Reconciliation Workshop: Tuesday 4th March, 7:00 pm at Annunciation Primary School Brooklyn

  • Sacrament of First Reconciliation: Thursday 20th March, 6:00 pm at Annunciation Church Brooklyn

First Eucharist (Holy Communion) - Year 3


  • First Eucharist Workshop: Thursday 30th April, 7.00 pm at Corpus Christi School


  •  Sacrament of First Eucharist 

    Celebrated during the parish weekend Masses. Families will be able to nominate which Mass they would like to attend. There will be a limit of 5 children to receive the sacrament per Mass.

Saturday 17th May, 5:00 pm at St Augustine’s Church

Sunday 18th May 8:00 am at Annunciation Church or 9:30 am at St Augustine’s or 11:00 am at Corpus Christi Church


Saturday 24th May, 5:00 pm at St Augustine’s Church

Sunday 25th May, 8:00 am at Annunciation or 9:30 am at St Augustine’s or 11:00 am at Corpus Christi


Confirmation - Year 6

  • Confirmation Workshop: 7:00 pm, Tuesday 6th May at St. Augustine’s School

  • Sacrament of Confirmation 

    Sunday 1st June, 2:00 pm at St. Augustine’s Church

Detailed information about the celebration of each sacrament and how to book a time for the First Eucharist Masses will be made available shortly.


Jane Wilkinson

Religious Education Leader